More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman. I just Prophesied to this man a few days ago concerning his Present Job/business and what the Spirit revealed to him about his Future in 2017. Be amazed and give JESUS all the Glory and Honor my friends. What he did for this man he can and will do for you. I will share a small portion of his word and vision from the Spirit to me and his response back confirming this accurate word for his life and destiny on the earth.. Be blessed in Christ..
MY VISION from the spirit for him:
I am being shown a vision of you my brother. I see you sitting behind a desk and I see you talking to 3 people sitting at the end of your desk as if you are presenting something to them. I see you speaking and typing back and fourth on a computer to these people and I have the Impression of helping or counseling or showing them different opportunities as if you may be possibly selling or more of a advocate for their needs are my insights into this vision.. I asked the spirit what he is trying to convey to me for you about this scene before me.. This is what the Spirit says for you this day my friend...
MY INSIGHTS confirming for him
I feel that you have a natural gift of helping and or giving good advice as if you are some kind of counselor or advocate for people. I feel that this natural gifting is going to be used more so in ministry and possible mission trip will be presenting itself this coming year for you.
HIS RESPONSE to this Prophesy spoken below:
Hi Steven,
Thank you for taking the time to hear/see what the Lord would say regarding this next season in my life. I just wanted to confirm your accuracy and the conveyance of hope through this amazing prophetic word.
You were right on, I am a counselor and trust the Lord will continue to use these skills as well as bring about future additional ministry opportunities which the word confirmed.
Much to reflect on here, pray about and look forward to. Hope is so very powerful, may the Lord continue to bless your prophetic ministry.
Request your Personal SPECIFIC Prophecy today, 4 YOUR Future tomorrow in Christ Jesus! Amen..