More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman through this Gifting within me to bring Hope and Confirmation into peoples lives. I Recently within the last 2 weeks I Prophesied a very unique Prophecy to a woman concerning the Analogy of "Peter Cottontail" in the expression of the Holy Spirit in which she would be able to relate to and give her the confidence to believe in Faith for her Prophecy that was released into her life in the arena of Love and Relationship to come to pass in the Future. Along with a few other SPECIFICS she was relayed information from the Spirit through my Gift for her to look out for this helpmate that I believe will enter her life in the Future and culminate by Easter of 2018. This Prophecy hasn't come to pass yet, BUT my point in sharing this Prophecy is to share how the Spirit reveals specifics like this through me for people just like yourselves, and ALL the Testimonies speak for themselves. Be blessed as you read a portion of her Prophecy below and the interaction she relays back to me concerning a " Rescued Bunny" To JESUS be Glorified and Praised!
Even as SEPTEMBER will come and go, so shall there be a thought and mind set of a new arrival that will enter your demographic as their move from state to state will be a success says the Lord."
I feel that even as you will bring in the New Year, there will be a NEW Individual in your life that will be bringing a smile to your face and a spring into your step and the feeling of that first kiss will entice your thought process once again says the Lord. So look to the end of this year and into 2018 as a TRUE year of NEW BEGINNINGS will bring much fruit into your life and even lifestyle will be changed as a better way of taking care of yourself and even diet will change your views of the next chapter of your Destiny and JOY will be your Portion even as Peter cotton tail shall invade your household in 2018 says the Lord to you this day... Amen and Amen.. I went on to speak to her about the Prophecy and things to look out for concerning this one that the Lord I believe has for her to be meeting in the near future saying this
"I believe by what was spoken and shown by the spirit that there will be somebody in the form of dating I feel impressed to say that will enter you life shortly.. Keys I see from the word to follow up on for confirmation on your end. The spirit spoke that this individual will be coming from another state (moving) apparently to yours where ever you reside. 2018 is going to be the time frame I interpret of actually meeting this person and I feel that even towards the end of 2017 will be as well, but 2018 and the beginning and I want to say spring time as I mentioned by the spirit "PETER COTTON TAIL" lol, I know that is different, but this is how the spirit speaks to me at times, but lets say Easter time will be significant for you as well in your walk forward in the arena of Love and Relationship, okay"
HER RESPONSE back to me concerning a certain BUNNY RABBIT she just rescued before she got this Prophecy and is raising it as her own. AMAZING!! Read below her exact words to me about the Prophecy spoken over her life.
Thank you Steven! You have blessed me very much with your prophetic word! And so quick too - I thought this would come sometime next week. Thank you so much! I live in California, so there must be someone in the Lord has identified moving soon to the Los Angeles area :-)
"PETER COTTONTAIL" is different lol, but I am raising a rescued BUNNY so I can identify with metaphor haha
You're doing a good thing Steven and I hope the Lord blesses you in your life and ministry!
I'll email you when I meet this new person who will be recently relocated from out-of-state. I hope he likes animals!
Request your SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy from me today, 4 YOUR Future Tomorrow in Christ Jesus my Friends. I am always amazed each time. Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request YOURS.. Blessings to you all.