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How to REQUEST PROPHETIC WORD Accurate for Your Life

There is a right way and a wrong way to request prophetic word for your life or someone's life that you may know my brothers and sisters in the Faith. First, if you are in a church or house of worship or body of believers and there is a Prophet or someone who operates in the gift of prophecy according to 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 where the great apostle Paul is speaking to the church of Corinthians, he is teaching them actually the 9 different gifts of the Holy Spirit and one of those Gifts is the Gift of Prophecy but by the same Holy Spirit. Normally you can request prophetic word during a worship service as the move of the Holy Spirit is filling the building or church or house of worship or just and establishment where believers are gathering to praise God for his Goodness and Mercy which endured forever and ever, this is the perfect time to request prophetic word from the Prophet in the House of worship.

There are other opportunities to request prophetic word accurate for your life and situation you may be going through and that is at a typically bible meeting or even a Sunday school class that many churches will have before the main worship service will take place. The rule of thumb is anytime there is worship going on there will always be the spirit of prophecy in the room which is Christ Jesus himself in spirit and even sometimes in the flesh. Some people will have a hard time believing this but it is true. Request prophetic word accurate from a seasoned Prophetic voice is actually very rare on the earth nowadays, but I can attest to a man that I have come to know who is very gifted in giving request prophetic words accurately for peoples lives and I tell you the truth it's absolutely astounding what this man's ability through the Gift of Prophecy God uses him for a request prophetic word for people that he has never met before but God gives him revelation knowledge of their lives that only they know about to prove the validity of His Gift of Prophecy he operates on a daily basis.

The man I am speaking about is Steven Svec and his ministry website is Prophetic Insights 4U. I would encourage any and everyone to visit his ministry website at and see for yourself the ability for this man to reveal secrets of your life when you request prophetic word from him and receive the power of the Holy Spirit will come on Him and sometimes you can even see it with the physical eyes the Glory of the Lord will shine all around Him supernaturally and the word of the Lord which is request prophetic word will begin to flow through him from his entire body and through his mouth as God's request prophetic word will begin to activate during the worship service online church which he sometimes does.

If your looking for direction for a real accurate request prophetic word then Prophet Steven is the man and ministry I would fully endorse to guide you in the right direction and to increase your Faith to believe for the Miraculous in Your life dear friends. There are a lot of people and scammers everywhere that are out to get your money but Prophet Steven is not one of those kinds of people. He is honest and sincere when he ministers the word of the Lord for a accurate request prophetic word for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord.

You will know he is a Prophet if you ever meet him and just look into his eyes as you will notice something different and something spiritual the will draw you to him as the love of Christ follows his footsteps wherever he goes. He mostly minister's online nowadays especially through his ministry website as I mentioned above but here it is again and this is actually his home page of

If you ever get the chance to meet him, make sure you shake his hand or give him a big Jesus Kiss because he is just like a little child and loves people of all race's and nationality's and even religions and especially if your not a Christian follower of Christ, He can share the love of God through Jesus to anyone and Prophesy the word of the Lord over their lives as a supernatural sign and wonder will be demonstrated through Prophet Steven as he releases accurate request prophetic words for all that would come before him for the true counsel of God. The Love of God is always on display for a request prophetic word for someone's life when Prophet Steven is in the room and house of God or church or house of worship or even a Sunday school meeting.

Remember the name Steven Svec and you will one day realized that he was and is truly sent from God above to release the Glory of God through Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit for a real request prophetic word for your life and predictions that have come to pass even the very day he speaks it will happen. God Bless You all for reading this Blog Post and to Prophet Steven a true sign and wonder from Heaven and beyond.

Request Prophetic Word Here
Request Prophetic Word

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