There are many different ways to Request a Prophetic word for yourself. Many flock to New age Movements or Seers of the Dark arts or even Divination Practice's but there is a right way and a wrong way to Unlock your greatest Potential on this earth and live your best life possible and that is whith a genuine request a prophetic word from a real Prophet of God. There are many counterfeit Spirts that will try to lead many astray especially in these last days before Christ Jesus will return on the Clouds with the Great Cloud of Witnesses and will once again reighn with Power and Authority on the Earth. The issue is what to do while this last day great Occurence will happen and to live the best life possible on the earth untill the Lord returns. Request a Prophetic word is just the thing to get you going in the right direction but make sure you request a prophetic word from a christian Prophet and not a new age diviner or scoercer of the dark arts. Request a prophtic word can bring real hope and confidence that you will be able to bring not just into your won life but others who are seraching for meaning in their lives to hold back the veil of darkness of lieing and deceiving spirts from people who tap into the realm of spirit and become conduits of fallen angels impersonating the Holy Spirit and the real request a prophetic word individual Prophet from God almighty.
I say all that to bring you to a point of decision my dear friends reading this Blog Post. My name is Steven Svec and I carry the true request a prophetic word within me as a Proven and Validated Prophetic voice of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ and son of God. I am a Prophetic Voice who gives request a prophetic word to people who request my services at my Ministry website which you can do also and begin to Unlock Your Personal Destiny in Chirst Jesus at
I have many many years of experience in this arean of Ministry and Testimonies that will make your Faith to rise and increase to believe for Your own request a prophetic word for your own life and be overjoyed at what the Lord through the real Holy Spirit will speak for your life's path on this earth. Request a Prophetic word is what I do and it is what the Lord has gifted me with since I was a child. I want you to read a testimony now of a lady who asked for a request a prophetic word on my ministry website just like you can do today but she had me inquire about a lost dog and if she would ever find it. I went before the Lord on her behalf for a request a prophetic word specific for her question and the lord revealed through a vision to me where the dog was and that she would eventually find it. Read this neat testiomony below and then request a prophetic word for yourself and I know you will be blessed and encouraged in the Lord. Read now her testimony below.
1 Question/Comments: Where is C****s my lost dog? Can you hear from the Lord anything?
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister, and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights from the Gift of God within me reveals to search in regard to what I was shown of a WHITE mailbox and a cul-de-sac type road as I feel there will be a connection to this particular area where C****s your dog could be are my Insights from the Holy Spirit in Christ our Lord.
Prayerfully this will help you and make some sense possible, but this is what I received in a vision when bringing your request before the Lord. I will keep you in Prayer as well and we are going to believe together for C****s to be found and the best outcome 4 U dear sister. You are on the Top of my Prayer list, keep me in touch as well and keep Your Faith, there is always HOPE with Jesus, always...
Dear Prophet Steven, thank you so much for Your prophetic words in September about our missing tiny dog that we searched for endlessly & could not find. Your Prophetic vision was that our dog was alive & being taken well care of by a couple who liked his (shy) personality & would like to keep him if the owner never came to get him. Your impression was that “C****s” was at a house with a cul-de-sac style street & a white mailbox. 3 months later, we received confirmation about a sighting of a dog like ours with a woman whose address could be tracked down. Yesterday we travelled the almost 60 miles to go to this house, confronting the couple who had taken him from our yard. The couple, the care of the dog & the physical location was just as you had said. We have our small miracle, also as you said, that would be a a sign of God’s love for us. We have forgiven this couple & in fact, are mailing them a reward & presenting the Gospel message as well. Thank you! L***a J***s & 3 boys.
What a great Testimony! Request a prophetic word for yourself and what the Lord did for this lady he can do for you as well, Amen!