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Online Prophetic Word Request

I used to go to church at least 2 times a week for years and then one day I just decided to start investigating churches that provided online support as I was getting older in age and it was hard for me to drive back and fourth to church all the time. I found this church that was a Prophetic church and they offered online prophetic word request for all their church online members which I became one because I really enjoyed my old church I used to drive to every week that was a Prophetic church as well and I really missed that one on one connection to get a online prophetic word request. I enjoy the aspects of the online church as it's easy to get a good seat, Ha ha, but seriously its just a more convenient way to receive online prophetic word request straight from my computer and not worry about driving in Traffic and waiting to get a good parking spot and even though I have a handicap license, it's still hard to of gotten a close parking spot to the church and walk the distance to the from doors.

My New online church is called the way the truth and the light worship center right here in Cleveland Ohio suburbs. They have a Prophetic team that offers the online prophetic word request for their members and I can receive 1 online prophetic word request a month from them for my encouragement in the Lord and my daily activities are much easier to perform knowing that I can get my online prophetic word request at least one time per month through my new online church community.

The church website address is and you can visit anytime as long as you have a computer and a internet connection this kind of ministry is available 24/7 365 days a year because they have podcasts to watch and past teachings you can watch and even watch the prophetic team minister the online prophetic word request time which is normally during the worship service portion of the meetings online.

I have met so many other people through this kind of format of the online prophetic word request community and we are a close niche bunch of people who just love the Lord and enjoy each others company as we chat back and fourth to each other during the Sunday mornings services for the online prophetic word request church we all attend each week.

If your searching for a church and body of believers who like me are a bit elderly and don't want to make the drive each week, you also can become a member of this kind of church community and still get all the benefits for a normal church service or traditional church service or as many of the younger folds says contemporary church services of the online prophetic word request ministry and they actually meet twice a week, but I just for online for the Sunday morning service to get my online prophetic word request and the rest of my week is such a blessing and goes by very peacefully because of this new online prophetic word request church I am now a member of.

Let me last say that there is always hope when you find a good church to belong to and there is always good people that become like family for you in case anything happens as you get older you will always have someone by your side to give you a online prophetic word request to cheer you up and give you the hope of a better tomorrow and live the best life you can live as we all age and have our own disabilities but you can always count on the online church to give you a online prophetic word request in Jesus Christ the Lord of all, Amen, and God bless You all for reading this Blog Post and I pray that you have been blessed today in the Lord of all Jehovah God Jesus the Christ and Savior of the Human race.

More Grace to you

Online prophetic word request
Online Prophetic word request

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