Prophecy Time Frame
Please Allow 7 Full business Days to Receive Your Prophecy.
If You Requested Your Prophecy on a Monday then you will receive Your prophecy by the following Wednesday. Please allow up to 7 FULL BUSINESS DAYS. You may Receive Your Prophecy earlier from Steven as He receives MANY Prophecy Requests daily and His Ministry workload is Very extensive each Day 6 days a week.
Refund Policy
Once you receive your Personal Prophecy from Steven from his Ministry website Platform Via email there are no Refunds. Steven's Time in seeking the Lord on your behalf and his dedication to providing this Service at the highest level is very time consuming each day. So once your receive your Personal Prophecy There are no Refunds and if your a monthly Partner and don't cancel your monthly subscription before it bills out each month on your anniversary day there are no refunds for that as well. This Gifting of the Lord has always stood by this Policy since the beginning starting back in 2015. Also remember that ANY Personal Prophecy is not guaranteed as interpretation and timing of the Lord can affect this as the scriptures tell us that we all can only Prophesy in part as 1 Corinthians 13:9 plainly says and even though Steven's Gift is very Uniquely accurate He is not Perfect and nobody is or will be but the Lord himself. Thank You all.