Request Prophecy from Prophet Steven for your Future in Christ Today!
Many people on the Social Media Platform say that they could give you a request prophecy word from the lord but all they will be giving you is a simple bible verse and then say that this is what God wants you too here and then they will ask and beg you to donate into their PayPal accounts! They are wolves in sheep's clothing just trying to steal your hard-earned money for a request prophecy word. Steven Svec has a Proven track record in the arena of request prophecy word for your life in Christ Jesus. Over the past 8 years alone through this online platform through His Ministry website you can request prophecy word there with 8 different arenas for your life dear friend. You can request prophecy word at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
I want to encourage you who are reading this blog post to go to Steven's website and read the testimony page of over 80 verified 100% validation of request prophecy word that Steven has prophesied into and over people's life's just like you and that have come to pass as spoken through the REAL Gift from God within him since his Birth on this Earth. You won't find Steven on any kind of a social media platform because everyone there says they are a Prophet and it's just not so. Steven has 1000's of followers alone through word of mouth about his Accurate gift of request prophecy word. When you Prophesy something, and it comes to pass people know what is real and what is fake like you will find on just about every social media platform like Facebook and twitter and rumble and You Tube just to name a few. Request Prophecy word is a real Gift and when a REAL Prophet releases the True Word of the Lord into your life you can expect it to come to pass and that's what you will get when you request prophecy word from Steven at his Ministry website at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Request a personal prophecy word is a real gift to the body of Christ and when given a request prophecy word from a proven source and ministry like Steven Svec with Testimonial's following his Prophetic utterance into your life that will give you REAL hope and encouragement into your life and journeys on this earth to fulfill what you have been called to do for God's Kingdom in every arena of your life in Christ Jesus the Lord of all.
Steven has many different requests prophecy word with 8 different Prophesy options available from Love and romance to job and career to ask your own 1 question or ministry and gifting's or a 6-month forecast or even a 12-month forecast request a prophecy word for your life.
Here is a sample of a testimony you can read on his website for a request prophecy word below. Read it and be encouraged for your own request prophecy word breakthrough in your own life and as always Steven gives JESUS the Christ all the Glory and Honor for being able to serve the body of Christ with real hope and encouragement for a request prophecy word today, read below and request prophecy word for yourself now!
"Covid -19 Holy Ghost Prescription Fulfilled"
More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Amazing Testimony of God's Gift within me of a Woman who requested the Prophecy Option on my Ministry website called "Ask Your own 1 Question" Her Request was for her mother who was in the Hospital with Covid and with underlying conditions and her condition was so bad that not even family members were allowed to see her last March 2021. She needed a MIRACLE desperately as you will read her daughter's request in her own words concerning her and her family's concern for her life. I went before the Lord on her behalf with her request for her mother as the Holy Spirit gave me a SPECIFIC Strategy to bring the much-needed Miracle from the Realm of the Spirit into the Natural as she was raised and Healed from Covid and walked out of the Hospital Completely made whole and ALL THE GLORY TO JESUS! This is not a Prophecy Prediction Testimony like most You read about on my over 75 Testimonies that are posted on my website here, but this is me being obedient to what the Holy Spirit told me to do exactly and as I did what was revealed to me that her mother would be Healed, and she was and the rest is History and verified by her very own words you will read below. I stress again to everyone that there is nothing Impossible with God and to JESUS be all the Glory! Read below and be encouraged for Your Breakthrough Prophecy Request through God's Gift within me my dear friends and brothers and sister in the Faith, Amen and Amen!
Her 1 Question Request for me to bring before the Lord on her behalf for her mother read below:
Hi Brother Steven. My mother B***y has been in the hospital due to covid 19, her underlying conditions are making it hard for her to recover. They are not allowing visitors to see her. Can you inquire to the Lord on her behalf for a “Holy Ghost prescription”? Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you.
I saw your request dear sister and felt in my Spirit to put you at the top of my list of requests as there are many, but I wanted to bring Your Mother B***y before the Lord and inquire on her behalf for a Strategy to come against this COVID which has afflicted many around the World. I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me to reveal that for the next 7 days YOU and I will be agreeing together in Prayer and Decree according to Job 22:28 which says that "Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee" as well as Matthew 18:20 which says that "For when two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (we will be gathered in Spirit) Now, as I was in Prayer for Your Mom I was inspired by the Holy Spirit as HE brought before my Thought Process of the story of Elisha the Prophet in 2 Kings 5:14 (go read if you are not familiar with this passage of scripture) but a man (Naaman) came before Elisha and wanted to be clean from Leprosy and Elisha told him to go dip himself in the River Jordan 7 times and on the 7th time He would be made whole and Healed. I am inspired for You and I together and if you also have friends and family that would like to join us in Spirit to begin Praying, Interceding, and Decreeing with Authority starting Monday March 1st through Sunday March 7th to come together for 7 minutes each day and bring our Petitions before the Lord on Your Mothers Behalf. I typically begin Prayer before I start Ministering Prophecy for people at around 7:15am Eastern time Monday through Sunday depending on my schedule for Prophecy requests. So, I will bring your mom B***y in Prayer for 7 minutes each day for the next 7 days starting tomorrow myself, but if you feel led to begin today as well that would be fine as well because she is Your Mother and I know you are always praying for her regardless. I am just being Faithful to what I feel lead of the Holy Spirit to do, this is not a thus saith the Lord kind of word, this is just me being OBEDIENT and trusting Jesus according to His word for a Healing/Miracle to manifest in Your mom's life and for Her full recovery in JESUS name and to JESUS we will give all the Glory for putting on the Armour of God and the Sword of the Spirit to combat and come against any dart of the enemy and we will do this together and believe and thank the Lord for Victory even now!!
Her exact Words below of Confirmation and how God did a Miracle and raised her mother up Completely whole!
Hi brother Steven, I just wanted to let you know that my mother was able to come home this week. Thank you for your prayers and obedience. To God be the glory!
If you have been blessed by this blog post about request prophecy word, please share it with as many people that you know that are searching for real answers to life's questions for their life in the arena of request prophecy word today in Christ the Lord, Amen!