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Request Prophetic word Healing

Blessings to all my Blog Post Followers of this Ministry and Gifting of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Todays Blog Posts will be such a inspiration to you of a dear elderly lady who through my ministry website online called Request Prophetic Word made her own request prophetic word not just for herself but for her elderly husband who was in the Hospital with stage 4 Prostrate cancer. She somehow found about my my ministry website online request prophetic word and she was not even a believer at the time, but she was desperate as the doctors were giving her husband only a few more weeks to live as complications had set in after surgery for his prostrate cancer which they were only able to safely remove only 80% as it had spread into his bones and organs around that area of the body. This is where God can do and prove that HE is the only one who can bring a request prophetic word to pass like no other because there is no other GOD that is living and eternal and can do the Miraculous when all human procedures or operations or doctors or specialist have tried to help in seemingly hopeless cases like this poor old woman and her husband, THE ONE TRUE GOD of Israel reveals His great Power as no other can do this but by and through the name of Christ Jesus the Lord and son of the ONE true God. This is where the story begins as the Lord revealed through His Gift of Prophecy within me since my birth for a request prophetic word ministry he has anointed and called me to, keep reading below and be encouraged for your own request prophetic word in Christ Jesus the Lord and Healer Jehovah Rapha.

She made her request prophetic word via my ministry website as usual and I went into deep prayer and meditation before the Lord and was shown visions of her husband in the hospital and I saw a Healing Angel visit him in his sleep and touch the area of where he was operated on and had stitches there where surgeons did their work but when the is healing angel touched the area, I saw that the stiches were gone and that there wasn't even a scar and I knew that God had answered her prayer for a request prophetic word and that her husband received his healing and would be okay.

I relayed to the woman what the Lord allowed me to see and told her about the healing angel and that the next time she saw her husband he wouldn't have anymore pain and that he incision of where the surgeons operated on him was completely gone and stiches were gone and he didn't have a scar and that was God's way of answering her request prophetic word.

The next day she emailed me and told me that everything that I said came to pass and the doctors had NO explanation of what had happened and did another few test to see if his cancer had gone and it was completely gone and healed by the power of Jesus by the Healing angel sent from Heaven!

What a great Testimony of the Gift of God within me to bring such Hope into peoples lives and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor. If you desire for me to give you a request prophetic word, please visit my ministry website of Request Prophetic word and I believe that what this lady had the healing for her husband in the hospital, GOD can do the same for you dear friends and Blog Post readers and Followers of the Gift of God within me for a request prophetic word, Amen!

More Grace and peace be with you all

Prophet Steven Svec,

Woman receives Healing for her husband in the hospital through a request prophetic word from prophet Steven
Request Prophetic Word

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