More Testimonies of The True Word of The Lord Revealing SECRETS of Men and Woman! I recently had a woman contact me via my Ministry website and request the Ask your Own Question Prophecy Option. Her Question to me was her concern about a Biopsy she was needing to get done concerning a ailment on her body. This obviously was a great concern for her as it would be for anyone that has had to get this type of procedure done. I Inquired before the Lord on Her behalf concerning this Issue and what the Spirit would Reveal to me for her. The rest is History and the Word of The Lord was confirmed as Prophesied through the Gifting within me my Friends. To JESUS be all the Glory and Honor always! There is know Question that you may have that is not Important before the Father. If it's Important to you, then it's Important to the Father if you are needing such Confirmation or Revelation Knowledge concerning any aspect of your Life. I Prophesy to you that are reading this Testimony to Pull on the Gifting within me since my Birth to Reveal and Release the SECRETS of your innermost questions and concerns in this life. Please read the below Testimony and be Encouraged for your Specific Personal Prophecy Breakthrough in Christ Jesus this day!
Hi Steven,
I hope this finds you well brother. Please Bring this question before the Lord... I go for a biopsy next week on 9/17, it would be comforting to get confirmation that I don’t have anything to worry about.
THE PROPHECY: Word of The Lord Revealed
As I brought your question before the Lord concerning and upcoming appointment you have. When I first read your question request as you sent it, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say to me " Listen to the Report of the Lord" in regards to your upcoming doctor visit. I feel that whatever this Biopsy is that you are having looked at is not going to be anything that you need to worry about in the natural. Even if there is a hint of question that comes before your doctors, the Spirit has revealed to me that you will "Trust the Lords Report" and that HE has everything under control concerning this issue you are facing. This is my Impression from the Spirit concerning. I prayed about it twice before the Lord and I received the same initial words from the Spirit. I am going to stand with you on this and decree this before all of Heaven as Job 22:28 says "Decree a thing and it will be established unto thee; so light shall shine upon thy ways"
Father, I Pray right now and bring ******* before you and I have heard from your Spirit concerning her upcoming doctor visit. WE stand on your word and WE Decree in the name of Christ Jesus that YOUR Report is the one that we are believing for. In the name of JESUS we decree and Pray this day. Amen Lord, so be it!
P.S. Keep me informed on this dear sister and what is said of your results for this biopsy you are having on the 17th. The Lord is with you and I Prophesy that everything will be okay.. Blessings..
Praise God! Thank you Steven! I just got a call from the doctor and they say that it is totally benign everything is good I am 100% OK!!! Wooohoooo!!
Thank you Holy Spirit!!!!!!
Thank you Steven for bringing this before the Lord I really appreciate it!
To JESUS be all the Glory to bring such Confirmation through the Gifting within me. The Gift within me has Predicted Jobs for People, Vehicles for people, Relationships and Marriage, Investments, Stocks, Divine Appointments, Angelic Visitations and much much more confirmed Testimonies that you can read on my Ministry website dear friends. It would be my honor to Prophesy the TRUE Word of The Lord over YOUR Life as the SECRETS of God are revealed to me 4U and HOPE is given to your life and Journey's on this Earth. Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy and a New "Health Report" Prophecy option on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord did for this woman HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service
Prophet Steven