More Testimonies of the Word of the Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman. Here is another neat Testimony of a Young woman who was having issues with her youngest Son in School concerning his Social Skills and being able to communicate with others and also having anxiety issues. She wanted to you know what could be done about his Healing as these issue's were getting worse and affecting his progress in Learning. She requested the Prophecy Option on my website called "Ask your own 1 Question Prophecy" She relayed the situation and I inquired on her behalf before the Lord and the Holy Spirit revealed what she needed to do to begin to have her Son manifest his Healing in the Natural by taking Authority in the Spiritual as the Anointed Prophetic Word was released into her life for her Son. Be encouraged for your breakthrough my friends because what the Lord did for this Woman and her Son, HE can and will do for you in any arena of your life know matter what the situation or problem, JESUS has the answer! Enjoy this neat little Testimony and request your Prophecy Today from me. There are 8 different Prophecy Options to choose from now on my Ministry website, Blessings to all!
Her 1 Question request:
Question: My younger son K****l is having issues in school understanding his work, He has issues with his social skills at times when it comes to communicating with others, and anxiety I want to know how can he be healed from this?
The Word of The Lord concerning her Question Request Below:
I brought your request before the lord dear sister, and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions from the Holy Spirit speak of you beginning to stand in the gap in the capacity of DECREEING his healing. Job 22:28 says "Thou shalt also decree a thing and it will be established unto you, and the light shall shine on all thy ways" Decreeing is not Praying, DECREEING is taking authority and YOUR authority as a child of God through Christ Jesus the Lord. This is what I am Impressed and Inspired 4 U to begin doing over your Son's life in these areas that you have mentioned. Every morning in your personal time with the Lord and even if it's just a few minutes begin to speak into existence what you want in the terms of his Healing, and say it will authority into the atmosphere around you.
I DECREE in the name of Jesus according to the Father's Holy word in Job 22:28, I DECREE that K****l will begin from this day forward to comprehend his School work and his Social Skills for communicating with his peers will also begin to evolve as God has intended it to be. Also any Anxiety Issue's will begin to dissipate in the name of Jesus I command this to be so! I want you to do this for 30 days as this is the what is in my Spirit to do as I am typing this Prophecy and the anointing is upon me to release this into your life dear sister. Also, if you can each morning before he goes to school and leaves the house, I want you to place your right hand on his head and pray a silent short little prayer and visualize him having a great day. I know this may sound a bit different and you may not get the opportunity to place your hand on his head all the time, but I just feel lead to speak this in obedience to what I hear the Spirit saying to me for you in regards to K****ls issues he is having right now. I feel this will pass eventually, but you have the Power within you as a Christ Follower and the Father's Holy Scriptures to speed up and release his Healing and even any other issues that may arise in the Future. Trust me and begin to implement what I am speaking to you this day dear sister and you will begin to see a transformation before your eyes I believe in his over all demeanor. This is what I have come to call a Holy Ghost Prescription as the Spirit leads me to ministry to people through this kind of platform. The words I speak are anointed as I have seen this work tremendously for people of all different kinds of issues and with great success. God Bless You!
Her Confirmation and Testimony Below:
Dear Steven
Thank-you for the word of the Lord. I am writing to you of my testimony of my younger son K****l. I begin decreeing the prayer the day I received the word and check for signs of improvement 30 days later. I am seeing signs of maturity in communication and even an interest in school. I continue to speak the prayer decree with expectation that more improvements in everyday life pertaining to my son will manifest.I thank God for the word and want to thank you for delivering it in Christ Jesus
Scroll to the Top of this Testimony and Request your Prophecy Today as a part of your Future and Destiny is revealed in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Prophet Steven