More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and Woman! I had the Honor to Prophecy to a woman who had a Specific question for me to bring before the Lord about a much needed car she needed and didn't know if she would get approved or not be able to finance were her concerns. Please read the Prophecy below and her response back as she got the car that the Holy Spirit showed me in a vision and even SPECIFICS that will astound you and even myself as this Prophecy came to pass for this dear woman. Please read below.
PROPHECY June 12th 2017:
As I brought this question before the Lord for you as well. I feel that you will be getting a car shortly. I have the Impression that just crossed my mind of FOREIGN as if the car will be one that is made outside the US. I see a vision of someone handing you the Keys? My interpretation of this is that it could be that it will be given to you. I am not being completely clear on this from the Holy Spirit, but I do see keys being handed to you in the form of transportation for you. I have a quick Impression of the color BLUE or blueish is possible as well for it. okay....
HER RESPONSE back to me on July 23rd 2017:
I did get a car and I had no credit. The Credit union gave me a loan. Thank you for seeking the Lord for me Prophet. it's a Chevy Cruz and its the color BLUE like you Prophesied it would be but I am not sure if it's a foreign car or not like you predicted was her response concerning the Foreign portion of the Prophecy. So I researched it on google and to even my surprise it is FOREIGN made in Mexico as I found a tweet that came from our president Donald Trump that says that the General Motors is sending the Mexican made model Chevy Cruz to US car dealers tax-free across the borders. This is something that the President is trying to get back to the US Production to help with Jobs in this country. But bottom line is that the Chevy Cruz is FOREIGN made as my exact words say that it will be made outside the US!! INCREDIBLE! What SPECIFICS that the Spirit reveals through me that I am not even aware of when Prophesying the Word of The Lord to People on this Online Platform. This woman sent me a picture of the car which is below my friends.. to JESUS CHRIST the Son of the One TRUE God ADONAI do I give all the Praise for this astounding Prophecy come to pass..
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