More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! I recently had a request through my Ministry website as a Mother requesting for me to Inquire of the Lord on her Daughters behalf concerning her Destiny and Journey on this Earth. Read this Amazing DETAILED Prophecy of this Mothers daughter as I describe who she is as a Individual and personality as only a Mother can confirm as the Word of the Lord went forth concerning the Daughters Destiny was Released over her life. Many times when I Prophesy over people as the Spirit will reveal to me I receive Visions,Impressions,Smells,Thoughts,Colors,Numbers,Dates and more as the Holy Spirit ministers through me for them. Read the below Prophecy and be Encouraged for you Specific Personal Prophecy to be Released over your life or someone that you know like this Mother towards her Daughter. The Peace of the Lord was displayed concerning her Request and her Gracious words of Confirmation of the Prophecy. I am always amazed at the Love of God towards those that he draws to this Gifting within me and On-line Platform. To JESUS the Christ be all the Glory and Honor! Request your Prophecy today my Friend. Will YOU be the next Great Testimony of this Gifting within me? I pray it be so for the Glory of the Father of Light and His Son. Amen and Amen.
As I brought your daughter T****A before the Lord in regards to your question I have the Impression of a young woman that begins to step into her destiny and calling even as 2017 is ending and I am Impressed to say that 2018 will be a breakthrough within her mindset as to what she really wants to do with her life. I feel that she will discover a vocabulary that will be in the capacity of SPEECH and even begin to come out of her shell so to speak and I even feel Impressed to say that she will begin to discover a piece of her calling. I see her in a vision speaking to people and mostly young adults. I have a strong Impression of speaking as a advocate for what I want to say are peoples rights if this makes sense of who they are and have always been says the Lord. I see her as like a mediator and doing things for other people and speaking up for these people that don't have a voice or platform to speak. I am not clear as to what it is she is saying, but I see her with a very determined look on her face as she speaks. Something to do with SPEAKING or SPEECH will be a platform for her to release what is within her that has been dormant. I see her like actually a politician but not in this kind of arena but more of like a person that is debating and one that is standing up for what is right and just before the eyes of the Lord. I feel that it will be in the capacity of ethics and doing the right thing and it's like know one else will speak, and I see her taking the roll of a Leader and speaking on other peoples behalf. I am also getting the Impression of like a counselor as well. This could be what part of the vision that I am seeing her do as well. You know her better than I , so I pray that this in someway will bring some more light into her destiny and calling before the Lord.
I agree with you.
This was a "cutting edge" word brother Steven! So on point. As if you know her! But God does and His Spirit has revealed this to you.
This is exactly who she is!
As I was praying some days ago for her I received the word "Diplomat" in my spirit.
Request Your SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy today, for a Portion of your Future Revealed in Christ this day dear friend. You will NEVER be the same!