More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are going to read this Prophecy and be Marveled at the Gifting of the Lord within me to bring such a Spot on and Accurate Prediction for this Young woman. I call out the Months for her to be prepared for of SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER of last year 2017. She Requested the Romance & Love Prophecy Option that I have on my Ministry page on my website back in May of last year 2017. She Revealed to me of an individual that you will read in the Prophecy as a possible helpmate and possible Future Husband. This was a on, and off type Relationship and she asked for more clarity to possibly be revealed through my Gift to help her in this arena of her life. I brought her request before the Lord as Visions were shown to me as I saw her on a boat in turbulent waters as my September vision Prediction came to pass concerning you will read literally and then the NOVEMBER Prediction of a SURPRISE will enter into her life and that the Holidays will be a time of much Thanksgiving as this man Proposed to her on NOVEMBER 7th! Be Encouraged for your breakthroughs in whatever areas of your life my friends and the Gift within me to help Confirm and Predict the Word of The Lord over your life as the Holy Spirit will Reveal and the Lord allow for all that come before me on this online Platform for Counsel and Revelation. The Prophecy is below and her Confirmation back to me in her own words. All the Glory and Praise to Christ Jesus for this Prediction come to pass! Blessings!
PROPHECY 5/23/17
I am being shown a vision of you J****** and you are on a boat in very turbulent water, and I see you holding on to the steering wheel of the boat and trying to steer as the waves seem to be crashing against the sides of the boat. I have the Impression of a long trip as if you have been holding on for a while concerning your destiny for God's perfect helpmate to keep you company on your walk and journey on this earth before the Lord. There will be much more of a calmer walk unlike the boat ride you have been on says the Lord. I have the Impression of a 3–6-month time frame that will bring more clarity and especially the month of SEPTEMBER says the Lord. This will be a time of great thanksgiving and a SURPRISE will enter your life as NOVEMBER will be the real time to give thanks as the Holidays will bring a smile to your face and the one that has been like a maverick will calm down like the seas that you have been traveling on and the waters will be calm and the SURPRISE will bring back the memories of yesterday and the Joy of your Youth will be reawakened during this time of renewed vows of a greater commitment that will bring in 2018 as a year to look forward to says the Lord.
You mentioned the name K**** on your request. I feel from what has been spoken and shown that this could be him. I don't know your situation or relationship with him, but I feel that you have been going through a time frame of indecision and questioning before the Lord concerning a helpmate. I feel that there is someone in your life now, but there is a question in your spirit about this maverick the spirit revealed in your word above about. I feel that this individual will be coming to terms of his feelings for you are my impressions and it is like a light bulb will go on for him and he will realize this. I feel that the Holiday seasons will be bringing you much Joy and reconciliation for a better word are my Prophetic Impressions for you, okay.
I Pray that you have been blessed and encouraged and given HOPE in your walk and Journey on this earth before the Father in Christ Jesus our Lord. Blessings to you J****** this day.
HER RESPONSE BACK TO ME on Her Engagement November 7th and the Accuracy of this 100% Prediction come to pass.
Hello, my brother, Mr. Steven, I just wanted to email you back confirmation from every situation that you have mentioned. All I can do is smile and give glory to God. Everything you said was hit on the nail right on time with every beat. First and furthermore, I would like to give God all the glory and praise for allowing you to share your gift with others in a magnificent way.
But taking everything from the beginning, the vision of the turbulent water you had of me that was shown happened. I was in Miami, September, on Labor Day week on a boat called Thriller speedboat which was going about 50 mph in turbulent water, I had a blast! Also, you mentioned a great SURPRISE entering my life in November, well that SURPRISE came to pass it was actually my helpmate (boyfriend) proposing to me on November 7th, 2017. Things couldn’t have been explained any better.
Thank you so much Mr. Steven.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this woman HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS.
In His Love and Service