For all those that have been following all my Blog Post daily I want to thank you from the bottom of my Heart dear friends, it's been my Honor and Joy to bring real life Testimonies daily for your encouragement in the Faith of Christ Jesus and His Miraculous works that HE does through people just like you and me. Today's testimony is once again nothing short of miraculous but we all know by now that our God is the God of Miracles for get your request a prophecy testimonies as the one your going to read right now and be blessed in the Lord and I also want you to share this with as many people as you can for their get your request a prophecy breakthrough as well, okay, now our Testimony begins and ends with the same get your request a prophecy but what changes is the attitude and the enlightenment that comes only from walking a life with the Lord and learning lessons and most importantly everything is always in Gods timing for a get your request a prophecy testimony in Christ Jesus our Lord and our story and testimony begins.
I have been walking with the Lord for several years now over 10 years to be exact and I slowly but surely by His grace and mercy began to see how the Father works and how HIS Character is molded in us through the trials and tribulations we all face on a day to day basis. It's hard going through them, but when you go through them and come out a better person and in the image of Christ Jesus, it's worth it all and this has always been his purpose for his creation especially for a get your request a prophecy revealed in our lives.
My First get your request a prophecy came when I was a baby in Christ, another words I was new to the Christian life and lifestyle as I still had some old baggage to get rid out that was keeping me back from my full potential. So one day I listened to a man who called himself a Prophet of God and God used him in the gift of Prophecy or better known as get your request a prophecy. I went to this man's website of and made my petition for a get our request a prophecy from him as be has a direct connection to God somehow that I was not able to comprehend but all the testimonies on his ministry website verified for me to take a chance and get your request a prophecy for myself to see what my future might hold especially in the arena of love and romance because I was still a single woman looking for that perfect man to fill my life and fulfill all that god had promised me in get your request a prophecy because I wanted a helpmate and that was my question to this man of God when I petitioned for my get your request a prophecy from him through his ministry website over 5 years ago now as I am posting this Blog Post.
He prophesied that I would meet my helpmate (Husband) and I would get married and I would have 3 children by the time I was 32. I made my get your request a prophecy from him when I was about 27 five years ago, right. Well being a New baby Christian I thought it was going to happen right away and get married meet this man and begin a family but was I completely wrong and I actually got mad at God and this man who gave me the get your request a prophecy because I wasn't seeing anything manifest in the natural but I kept on believing as each year went by I asked the Lord, is this the Year for my Miracle man to come into my life? and it never happened year after year and now I'm almost 32 years of age and still single and no family and I am wondering what happened? Well, this is how God works not on our time table but on his time table and perfect timing for our lives, for all of us. I just started dating a man about 1 month ago and I just fell head over heals for him in love and he for me as well. There is that old saying that when you know it's the right person for you, you just know and I can attest to this kind of feeling because it happened to me and him at the same time.
He just purposed to me after our 5th date and I excepted her proposal and right before my very eyes the get your request a prophecy was coming to pass as I was just about to turn 32 in a few more months because we planned on going down to the court house and get married right away, okay. NOW the most important and incredible part of this testimony is remember when the man of God said that I would have 3 children as well by the age of 32 is coming to pass as well because this man I am going to marry is a widower and He has 3 young children under the age of 10 and the youngest is 3 years and the middle is 7. So the man of God named Prophet Steven was 100% correct in his predictions about everything. It didn't come in the way I was expecting his get your request a prophecy but it came the way that God foreknew in the future for this man and his children that I would meet him fall in love in less than one month and get married right away and I had my helpmate and family of 3 children in God's Perfect Timing and ways, not how I expected it to happen.
What a great Testimony to the testament of keeping your Faith and trusting God as I grew spiritually leaps and bounds and began understanding how God operates not in a Human perspective but in a Godly spiritual way that reflects Jesus our Perfect example to follow. This is my Testimony and I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged and to get your request a prophecy from this man of God Prophet Steven he is the Real Deal!
More Grace and Peace to all