These are Words and Predictions of what I have Heard from the Spirit of the Lord concerning this Small Nation on Planet Earth that will become a GIANT and Leader in the Future for the Body of Christ and those that will remain AFTER the Great Falling away as REVIVAL will fill the Earth and Iceland will become the Gideon of Nations Small in Stature BUT Mighty in the Spirit says the Lord!
ICELAND, the Spirit of the Lord would say to You now, I call You Gideon this day, for a Nation that is small and tiny and seemingly insignificant to the many, but I have chosen YOU to bring forth what is to come within the days and months and Years to come as a Beacon of Light as Fire and Ice will Rain down the Blessings of Your Tiny Island that I have Positioned as a Strategic Landmark to the Nations of the Earth that will one day look at what the Lord has done and what the Lord has used to bring about the end of days of what is to come says the Lord.
ICELAND, the Spirit of the Lord would say to You now, begin to prepare and begin to take Your Place as You will Rise up above the Volcano's and the Glaciers that have established your name in the Past, but NOW is the time for Preparing for what is to come as You will become as the Gideon of Your Time to Rise and send Fourth 2 by 2 into the World as Messengers of Light and Hope that have been Equipped and Trained and called by ME through YOU as I will send to You and YOU will Train and Usher into the Last age that is to come as the next few decades YOU will make your Mark and set the Bar for others to see and Understand that I choose to use that which seems insignificant and small, but I will use YOU because I have chosen Your Nation to become a DAVID among the Goliaths of the World as I will use but ONE STONE that will bring the enemies of God to their Knees as You will become the GIANTS in the Land of Fire and Ice as the Gospel of My Son will reach every Nation within Your arena of Influence and even unto the ends of the Earth will I send fourth out of Thee the faceless and nameless even as Gideon was such a man small in Stature but MIGHTY in the Spirit as I will cause the Nations of the Earth to take Notice of what the Lord will do through You as the Years will establish Your Baltic Heritage as the History books of the Earth will record says the Lord to You this day 2/16/2024
Steven Robert Svec
Servant of the Lord