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"No Cancer Prophecy Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony of how Specific God's Gift is within me as a Woman very recently was having issues with her Health and needed to get tested to see what the Issue is causing her if it was possibly serious for the kind of Procedure she needed to get done. She requested the "Ask Your own 1 Question" Prophecy option on my Ministry website as I inquired before the Lord on her behalf and the Word of The Lord was revealed to put her at ease before the Testing. She had her Test done and the Word of The Lord was confirmed NO CANCER as we both Celebrated and gave JESUS all the Glory to confirm HIS words of Prophecy through God's Gift within me. Read below and be encouraged for Your Specific Personal Prophecy Breakthrough. GOD is always Good dear Friends and there is a Season for everything under the Sun for each of our lives as the Book of Ecclesiastics tells us, but always remember that God is always Glorified for those who are in Christ Jesus and the Saving Grace of Eternity in their Hearts for His Chosen Ones because as Jesus said in 1 Corinthians 15:55 "Oh death where is thy sting? Oh, grave where is thy Victory? Heaven is a wonderful Place, and for all that are in Christ Jesus when their time comes to cross back over Death and the Grave are conquered FOREVER! Amen and Amen. Read below this dear womans Prophecy and Her words of confirmation as Prophesied through God's Gift within me, Blessings.

Her Question asked on 04/09/2022 below

Have I got Cancer? I’m having a Colonoscopy 20/09/2022

The Word of the Lord Released and Prophesied on 08/09/2022 read below:

I brought your request before the Lord dear sister, and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that all will be well and to keep on praying and stay positive as the Hand of the Lord is with You says the Lord to You this day my daughter.


I was not given or received that this is Cancer and to be encouraged and to not worry so much but to trust the Lord in all things and remember as well dear sister that there is a season for everything for each of our lives as the book of Ecclesiastic tells us Chapter 3:1-3. My Impressions are that this is not Your season but to trust the Lord in all things, okay. You will be in my Prayers, and we will believe together for GOOD NEWS, keep me posted as well. I understand completely as when I get these done routinely and it's not easy, but it keeps us in Faith and complete trust in the Lord for the small things and the big things just like the Colonoscopy is as we all get older, blessings now

Amen and Amen

In His Love and Service


Her Confirmation and Test Results in Her own words below NEGATIVE, No Cancer! Read below:

Morning Steve, many thanks for praying for me. I had the colonoscopy, and it was not Cancer. Praise Jesus. It was a small ***********. God is good.

God bless you


Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this woman and her family HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....

In His Love and Service



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