I am writing this Blog Post as mostly a testimony to the supernatural way in which God can work in each and everyone of our lives differently dear friends and the avenue in which HE can operate in the arena of request prophetic word can change the course of anyone's life no matter who you are or what kind of background you may have and even if you don't believe in the supernatural of the dynamics of a true request prophetic word released into your life. It doesn't matter to God because he is know respecter of people, another words I am saying that you can be a criminal just like the thief on the cross that was being crucified with Christ Jesus. This man was a thief and got caught stealing from his neighbor and was sentenced to death by hanging on a cross and it just so happened that he hung next to the son of god who was innocent of know crime and suffered for all of mankind for the sins of the world and this thief who hung next to Jesus asked the Lord to remember him in His (Jesus) Kingdom when death would come eventually and Jesus replied back to the thief in a request prophetic word Jesus said "Today you will be with me in Paradise" and then Jesus spirit left his body and he died for the sins of the world and the sins of the thief who hung next to Jesus on the cross. That is how request prophetic word in action works and its a supernatural tool to get peoples attention to the Love of God and point people in the right direction for a real request prophetic word that will carry them even into eternity just like the thief on the cross found out.
Lets talk a bit about the woman at the well when Jesus confronted her and asked her to draw up some water for him. She asked Jesus where he was from because she did not recognize him but Jesus through the gift of request prophetic word was able to tell her about her life and things that only she knew about and Jesus even said that the man she is living with right now wasn't her husband and she was living in sin apart from marriage as Jesus revealed this through a request prophetic word to this woman and she became a believer in request prophetic word and Jesus said that he will give her water that will never make her thirst no more and she believed this stranger of a man and the gift of request prophetic word in action as it is nowadays as well because the bible tells us that God is the same today and yesterday and in the future as well.
Request prophetic word used correctly can change anyone's life no matter who you are or what you have done in life. You could be a adulterer like the woman at the well with Jesus or the thief that hung on the cross next to Jesus cross as He died for the sins of mankind and he still operated in the supernatural request prophetic word for the thief. So if Jesus can do this for these 2 people and millions others just like them and you and me, we also have the ability to request prophetic word in today's present church and marketplace or even where you may work to offer a co worker a request prophetic word for their life or maybe their family in general because is doesn't matter to Jesus except that the request prophetic word be used for the Kingdoms sake and the Glory of God to be lifted up as Jesus was lifted up on the cross, so shall the supernatural request prophetic word be used in everyday life for you and me dear friends.
If you desire to have a request prophetic word for your life or for someone that you know who might benefit from hearing the voice of God's heart towards his creation for a request prophetic word, you can get one at my website called https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/request-prophetic-word
May the Peace of Christ go with all that read this Blog Post and be encouraged to request prophetic word for their life that will bless and encourage you just like the thief on the cross or the woman an the well with Jesus because Jesus is the same today and tomorrow and into the future because he is not a man that he will ever lie, but he will prove himself to you in a request prophetic word for your life to be better and more precious in the eyes of the Lord himself. Amen!
More Grace to You this day in Christ the Lord