More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another encouraging Testimony of the Gift of God within me from one of my Monthly Partners who had me bring a Specific request before the Lord on His behalf concerning that He was looking for a Piece of Property around where He lived to Purchase as He apparently tried to do this 5 years earlier but was unable to do so. I was shown in a Vision where the Lord would have Him to look and direction and I called out the word "Island" as this is what I was being shown around a large body of water. Read His Words of Confirmation and direction and even distance from where He lives now of the Accuracy and Specifics that Confirmed to Him and His Gracious words that He is looking in this exact area to Purchase this Land/Cottage. To JESUS be all the Glory and Honor for allowing me to bring such Confirmation and Hope into peoples lives like this Man. Read below and be encouraged for Your Personal Prophecy Breakthrough through Gods Gift within me dear Friends, Blessings!
HIS REQUEST and Question: I’m seeking the Lord for a piece of property by the water around where I live. It was one of those things the enemy robbed from me 5 years or so ago. I am believing in recompense. If the Lord has anything to say about that through you, it would be much appreciated.
WORD OF THE LORD released March 10th 2021 read below Prophecy Confirmation
I brought your request before the Lord my brother and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions from the Gift of God within me reveals that to focus Your Gaze in the direction of Southwest in regards for land and water will merge into one and I hear the word "Island" as if this is a sign to be cognizant of in regards to where this Piece of Land is in regards to Your present location, so begin to investigate this as I don't know where you live or country you live in now T***m, but something about the word "Island" and my Impressions are "Southwest" of where you presently reside now. I don't know if you are looking for land and Home, but I do see Houses as well and they look like actually cottages instead of Houses per say, but they are not far from You my Impressions within 30 miles and now I am being shown a big body of water and my Immediate Insights and I feel the Lord is pointing you in this direction to begin to start looking and investigate, okay, hopefully this had made some sense and will help you in this quest to take back what the enemy has stolen and we will believe together this will come to pass in JESUS name, Amen!!
HIS WORDS OF CONFIRMATION read below as I had no foreknowledge of but the Lord answered His request with SPECIFICS that confirmed that I was hearing and seeing correctly for His Request.
Hi Steven,
Thank you for the prophetic word, funny how you mentioned ‘Island’ in regards to the property/cottage I was looking at and it just happens that the focus of my search was near a place about 30 minutes/miles from me which you also prophesied) called Saint Joseph’s Island.
So just amazing, God is so good.
TY T****M
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Man HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
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