More Testimonies of the Word of the Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! I recently Prophesied to this man who requested the Prophetic Insights 4 U (Traditional Prophecy Option) from my Ministry Website and SECRETS were confirmed as the Spirit Revealed to Me for Him. Please read and be encouraged this day to believe for your SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy my friends. Below is a small Portion of what was revealed to him and Prophesied for his future journey on this Earth before the Lord. Be Blessed and to JESUS be ALL the Glory and Honor Always.
Word of the Lord Revealed to Him:
Even as the New Year has come before you and the Hands of Time are moving forward in your life. So shall the Gifting that is within you begin to arise and become more of a household name says the Lord. I will be guiding you by the WIND of my Spirit and doors that have been closed in the previous year will begin to open for you slowly in the next season of you life. I will bring divine appointments that will propel you forward even as a song and MELODY will be heard within your own spirit says the lord.
I feel that possibly MUSIC or something to do with a MELODY if this makes sense to you will be a catalyst that will give you a positive mind set to believe the Lord for these doors to open for you. I have the Impression of MARCH into the beginning of the summer for doors to be opened in your direction and a possible business merging or opportunity will present itself before you. I feel that a possible book will be written from your hands and I feel that this book will be opening up the doors for Opportunity's to arise as a part of your destiny before the lord. I feel that MUSIC is going to be a catalyst for this, but MUSIC will be what gets you in the door for opportunity's if this makes sense. I do not know if you are Gifted in this area, but if not, I believe this will make itself know shortly for you. I keep on hearing in the Spirit what seems to be like soaking music for you and around you as if you are like a CONDUCTOR or do have some kind of a connection to Music and Notes if this makes sense... You may listen to Music like this is possible what my Impressions are from the spirit for You, okay. I pray that You have been blessed and encouraged in what I was able to receive and convey as the Holy Spirit revealed in Christ Jesus 4 U this day, Blessings now.
HIS RESPONSE to the Prophecy and my PROPHETIC INSIGHTS from the Spirit as Confirmation was 100%.
Hi Steven,
I really appreciate the prophetic word you gave me as it’s very accurate and encouraging. You said a lot of things about MUSIC and MELODY, and God has really gifted me with musical talent as I’m a COMPOSER who’s already composed hundreds of musical pieces. Also, people have said that my music is different from a lot of other people’s music in that nearly all of my pieces have a distinct MELODY in them.
As for what you said about writing, I enjoy writing, though I haven’t written any Christian books yet. But I’ll definitely be open to writing one now that you’ve prophesied that, Many Thanks for such a spot-on Word!
Request YOUR SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy today as a part of Your Future is revealed in Christ Jesus! (scroll to the top of the page and Request Your Prophecy dear Friend and be Amazed at Gods Gift within me to bring such Accurate Hope and Encouragement into peoples lives just like Yourself.)