What I am about to release is the Word of The Lord and MY Prediction and Interpretation of what is to come shortly, VERY shortly. The Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning 10/11/2024 Documented The Word of The Lord which was "Biden" Son of War Judgement Draws Near" NOW, My Interpretation of what the Holy Spirit spoke is that Joe Biden's days are numbered. MY Prediction and Interpretation NOT The Word of The Lord but a Prediction because I was not told anymore concerning why the Lord called Biden "The Son of War" My Impressions are that He (Biden) will either be stepping aside or forced out being the President of the United States or be taken by the Lord from the Earth even possibly by the end of 2024 before or after the United States Elections and up to the week of Trumps Inauguration January 20th 2025 that would make Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States. AGAIN, this is my Prediction from God's Gift within me and NOT The Word of The Lord. Many people don't understand exactly what I mean, but there is a big difference and I don't have time to get into this complete explanation. TIME will Tell and I tell You all the Truth as I have Prophesied The Word of The Lord back in February 6th 2024 about Donald J Trump will be the next 4 YEAR TERM PRESIDENT of The Great Nation of America as PEACE will Prevail in Trumps 2nd Term just like His 1st Term and NOT and not War. You can read this Prophecy here https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump Fulfilled 11/06/2024
I will also say with this post that I still believe I heard correctly from the Lord back on February 6th 2024 that TRUMP will win the 2024 United States Election IF He can stay alive as we all must keep him in Prayers daily dear saints as The enemy within and outside will do all they can to keep Trump from taking power even after His victory on November 5th until January 20th 2025 Inauguration day. Donald Trump is not the Complete Answer for America, but JESUS CHRIST is and JESUS will work through Trump to bring America "Back to The Future" once again says The Lord and secure the Borders and begin the Process of making America the Beautiful to shine bright among the Nations of the world and to fully align with the allegiance with Israel as God's word says in Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those that bless you and whoever curses you I will curse. America needs Israel as much as Israel needs America. Remember this Word and Prediction Combination I am releasing Today. GOD has a Plan and we Know in Part only, but must walk in Faith Wholly every day of our lives. God speed to us all in these Perilous Times the World is going through.
And let me address one last warning to ALL the PRE -TRIBULATION Rapture False Teaching. Jesus is not coming back in 2025 like Social Media self proclaimed Prophets are saying. MUCH still needs to happen before the Tribulation starts FULLY. PLEASE read the basics of Gods word for Yourself instead of listening to Social Media Platforms and False self proclaimed Prophets and Apostles which are by the 1000's now, just so SAD! Social Media has become the Devils MISINFORMATION for Years Now. That's why you will never see me on these kinds of Platforms in a big way as the Lord told me to stay away from all of that. Take My Words and Prophecies and Predictions for what it is to You. I have been accurate 100% this Year for World Prophecies and what is to come and what I'm allowed to see and hear from the REAL Holy Spirit. I am not a self proclaimed Prophet or Seer but many call me this. As far as I'm concerned I am just your Brother in Christ and I don't put much into someones Title and I will NEVER ask or beg anyone for money. I trust the Lord fully 100% for my Provision month to month and give back to the less fortunate monthly as the Lord Blesses me and I store my Treasures up in Heaven, not on Earth (Matthew 16:19-21) I'm NOT a Prosperity Message Believer and when I Pray, I go into my Prayer closet (Matthew 6:6-7), NOT SOCIAL MEDIA Platforms. God Speed to all this day in Christ our Lord.
Servant of The Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 10/11/2024