More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman. Another great Testimony you are about to read about a Pastor of a church in New Mexico that I recently Prophesied to and Revelation about who he is and Confirmation of what is happening now in his Church. He Requested (Prophetic Insights 4 U -Traditional prophecy) would reveal for him through God's gift within me. I knew nothing about him or who he was or even a Pastor of a church as I brought his name before the Lord. I knew nothing that he was in the process of purchasing a NEW Larger building for his church body, BUT the Spirit revealed this to me through Revelation Knowledge and Visions and the Word of The Lord was Released to him and the rest is validated History in his own words back to me. Read below Portions of His Prophecy and his response back to me concerning the Accuracy of the Word of The Lord within me to Confirm, Validate and bring HOPE into all that come before me for Personal Prophecy. To JESUS be lifted up and the FATHER Glorified.
I am being shown a vision of you L*****. I see you handing out pamphlet's of some kind to people. I see you doing this on the streets of a town and what I am being shown seems to be in more of the highways and byways as the scriptures say in Luke 14:23. I have the Impression for YOU that you are a Minister of some kind. I feel that you have a very evangelistic heart to share the Gospel and more so to the down trodden and people that others just look away from. I see you ministering to these people and praying for them. I see a team around you as if you are like a mentor to them and you are showing them how to be led of the spirit in relaying the gospel and I have the Impression of angelic activity wherever you go. I feel these are angels of Protection is what I hear in the Spirit for you because you are taking the Gospel to the streets in very unsafe areas. I have the Impression of a Pastoral Heart within you as well. I feel that you are one that leads by example and this is how the Lord has trained you up to be and you are passing it down as a good teaching for others in your flock to follow. I see you preaching in front of the same people that you were ministering to on the streets. I see you training these people and discipling them to go and take the same saving Grace message of Christ back to the streets. freely they have received, so freely they shall give the gift of salvation to others are my Impressions of all that the Spirit it revealing for you before my spiritual eyes in visions even as I am typing your Prophecy right now. I have the Impression of what I hear in the spirit (LIVING WATERS) as if you are like a Oasis in the Desert and a beacon in the night for all to come to your aid as you will share the Gospel on a one on one basis and bring these same people into your own flock says the Lord. I don't know if you are a Minister or Pastor of some kind, but I feel that if you are not now, the Lord is preparing YOU for this and I see a INCREASE as if you have already been doing some kind of Ministry like this. The scripture comes to me Matthew 25:23 because you have been faithful will a little, more is coming your way! Amen, Thank you Lord!!
Because you have been faithful will a little, the LORD is going to be blessing you more, spirit, soul, and body as well as increase in finance's coming your way. I see 2 BUILDINGS one small and one large being shown to me now and I have the Impression that the small building is what you were and the BIG building is what you are going to be are my best impressions and Interpretation of this vision for you, but increase is coming your way and it will touch your household and the ones that the lord has put you in charge of dear brother.. okay... Blessings dear brother and I Pray that you have been encouraged and given HOPE in your walk and Journey on this earth.
Greetings: Well to start off I am a Pastor and you mention that in the prophetic word and we are active in evangelism and also I have definitely worked on leading by example, I have been a Pastor for 40 years, I started Pastoring when I was 19 years old and God has taken me to 23 countries, the Lord used you to confirm and give me prophetic insight of what is in the spiritual horizon..... IT was a great blessing to hear that!!!! Also the 2 BUILDINGS you saw to me is indicative of (we are in the process of selling our exciting church Building and purchasing another larger Building and an adjacent smaller building for different activities..... May GOD continue to use you great man of GOD!!! Please continue to pray for us here in New Mexico.
Blessings Pastor L*****
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 8 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord did for this man HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....
In His Love and Service