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"3rd Opportunity Job Prophecy Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the True Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! Here is another Great Testimony you are about to read as I Prophesied the TRUE Word of the Lord to a young man who requested the Prophecy option on my website (Ask Your own 1 Question) as He was interviewing for 2 jobs and wanted to know which Job He would get and the Spirit of the Lord took me into a Vision and showed me that He would be having a 3rd Opportunity for a different Job that He was not aware of Yet. This is how God's Gift within me works and is so Unique to bring such Hope and Encouragement into people's live like this young man. Read below and be Encouraged for Your Miracle Personal Prophecy Breakthrough Today and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor always for allowing me to share and bring Hope into people's lives. I am always amazed and never take anything for granted my dear Friends. Amen and Amen!

HIS REQUEST: I have recently been interviewed for two positions at my current workplace. Which one of these two positions is God going to give me?

WORD OF THE LORD Personal Prophecy Released February 23rd, 2021

I brought your request before the Lord my friend and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that your Greatest Opportunity for success in this arena of Your life will take you by Surprise as a 3rd Opportunity will present itself and the Choice will be Yours to make say the Lord.


Now, listen to what I heard in the Spirit in regard to your request. My interpretation of what I was shown is that between the 2 interviews you have already done the 2nd Interview I am inspired to say will have the Opportunity to go the distance in regard to Promotion. BUT WAIT SAYS THE LORD, as the doors of Opportunity will present themselves again, so shall another Position reveal itself and catch your eye that will bring even greater Happiness and even Increase in Finance's as 2021 will be a Year of Choices in this arena of Your life says the Lord to you this day.


So, look to the 2nd interview as a possible YES, but also look to another Opportunity that will come after this as well and this other Opportunity later this Year I feel will be more of a Position you will succeed at and bring greater Happiness are my Insights. So, in a nutshell what I am saying is even if you get the 2nd interview there will be another Opportunity regardless for a 3rd job in a different position that I feel you will benefit more from, okay. Prayerfully this makes more sense in the Future as most Prophecy's do with the Lord's Gift within me, but just be aware even if you don't get the 2nd interview position that the Lord will be revealing a 3rd option is the best way I can describe and interpret what I am being shown today from the Spirit, blessings now.

PROPHECY PREDICTION FULFILLED read his gracious words of confirmation of the 3rd Opportunity Job that He accepted because the Word of the Lord was released into His life, and He believed the anointed Word and Foretelling of the 3rd Job Opportunity. Read below in His exact words and email he sent confirming the Word of The Lord!

Good day prophet Steven,

Indeed a 3rd opportunity has presented itself to me about a month or so ago as you indicated to me in your prophetic word in February. It did take me by surprise, I just said, yes and grabbed the opportunity given to me by the Lord. There was no interview done, I just expressed my interest in the position and got it. I am however moving/relocating to the Capital City of my country. I cannot wait for my second prophetic word to come to pass regarding romance in my life also requested from your ministry late last year. I will be sure to give God all the glory by sending in that testimony as well. God bless.

Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today as the True Word of the Lord is strong within me dear Friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. I want YOU to be the next Great Testimony. I have 9 different Personal Prophecy options to choose from for every arena of Your life. Scroll to the top of the page and request Your Personal Prophecy from me today for a part of Your Future to be revealed Tomorrow. To JESUS be all the Glory and Honor!

Servant of The Lord,


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