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BRAZIL "Diamonds to Dust says the Lord"

These are Words and Prophecies and Predictions that the Lord speaks to me in many different ways and this Prophecy Prediction is no different as I was listening to a song and as a Lyric of this song pierced my Soul as I heard the Lord say BRAZIL "Diamonds to Dust will You Blaze like a shooting Star from the South" Human Trafficking of Children

BRAZIL, The Word of The Lord for You in the coming days and months and Years will be that of a Country that I will cause the Inner wars of the Corruption that has overtaken the Secret Hidden Government within to Shine Bright like the Star from the South for the World to take notice of because it must stop and it must come to and end as the War Lords have infiltrated your Economy even as Innocent Hands have become Guilty before My Eyes that has gone from Generation to Generation and started out as a Diamond but has turned to Dust as the innocents of Children YOU have turned into the Immoral and Perverse and a Curse that I will Reverse as the Diamond in the Rough will once again Shine Bright for all the World to see as my Sons outstretched Arms will be the Olive Branch that I will extend to Thee as the Hour Glass is almost empty, even as a Mighty Wind will Blow across Your Country and Cleanse YOU from the INSIDE OUT as a Diamond will Shine like a Star from the South for the whole World to see says the Spirit of the lord to Thee this very day.

Steven Robert Svec

Servant of the Lord


World Prophecies and Predictions Human Trafficking

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