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Request a Personal Prophetic Word from Steven Svec 4 The True Word of The Lord 4 Your Life in Christ Today!

Are you desperate to hear from God for a Specific situation that you need EXACT clarity to make the right decision for your life in any arena of your life? Do you need confirmation on a Job/Career offer or Promotion or maybe a Relationship situation that you need more divine revelation on in regard to your life or even someone else's life? Or maybe you have a Specific question on a long situation that isn't getting better or looking for a divine Healing that has plagued you or someone that you love that needs a divine touch and Miracle of God to manifest Immediately? If this, is you then you are reading the PERFECT blog post for help in all these arenas of life dear friend? Request a personal prophetic word from a True BORN PROPHET that carry's the true word of the Lord for people's lives with testimonials following that will leave you in Awe of such a Gift that can be within a Human being from the Almighty and that man is Steven Svec! You can request a personal prophetic word at Steven's Ministry website as He has 8 different Prophecy options available for every arena of your life dear friend and will bring real comfort and encouragement and hope into your life with 100% guarantee that will reveal the true word of the Lord for your situation at his website Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Do not entertain any social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, twitter, YouTube or any other kind of a social media platform from any self-proclaimed Prophet that will request a personal prophetic word from them, and they will only tell you what you want to hear with a false Prophesy and generic request a personal prophetic word that will only give you false hope and then they will beg you to give them money for nothing!

Steven's Prophetic Ministry and Gifting has stood the test of Time on the on-line Platform for 8 years now with 1000's of followers and HE doesn't do any social media live because HE doesn't have to try and fool people into giving him a donation for a false request a personal prophetic word from that kind of platform. Steven was born the gift of site that he uses for the glory of God through Christ Jesus the Lord so when you request a personal prophetic word from him you can be confident in getting the true word of the Lord for you request and donation into His TRUE PROVEN MINISTRY in the arena of request a personal prophetic word dear friend.

There are many counterfeit Spirits that are not the Holy Spriit that many individuals will entertain unaware but have been taken over because of their money greed and needs that the social media platform has been overtaken by the evil one. I sure tell sign of a false Prophet on ANY social media platform is if they have a PayPal account link under their Facebook live broadcast or whatever social media platform they are using and will give FAKE words of knowledge and Prophecy and request a personal prophetic word for someone's life that can't be verified and they do this and say that God is giving them these messages and even some of them say that they are talking and getting this information from the deceased or passed on relative or passed on saint of God. This is a sure tell sign they are just trying to get your money and if they say they have a team of people to come to their website that they will give you a free prophecy, this is FAKE as this Individuals that they call a team are not anointed or called to Prophecy the True word of the Lord into your lives let alone ask for a donation into their FAKE ministry. These individuals are all over Facebook and YouTube and every social media platform now, be aware that they just are out for one thing and that's your money, it's sad but so true and a real stench in the Nostrils of God the Father.

Visit Steven's Ministry website and read all the confirmed testimonies of real people just like yourself and be encouraged to receive the true word of the Lord for your life in Christ Jesus. His ministry website has many pages of over 80 verified testimonies and many other pages you can read and visions and dreams the Lord has revealed to Steven some of the Mysteries of the afterlife that will leave you speechless and will raise your faith to believe for your request a personal prophetic word breakthrough at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Lasty, read below of a confirmed testimony on Steven's website of a women who was struggling to make ends meet and needed a miracle in her life for job and finances and be encouraged for your request a personal prophetic word from this True man of God. God bless you all this day in Christ Jesus the Lord, read the testimony below now.

More Real Testimonies of the Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman. You are about to read another Incredible Testimony of a woman who requested the 6-month Prophecy Forecast on my Ministry website as the Word of the Lord was revealed for her life, I was shown in a vision 3 Financial Increases that would come to her in the Month of May 2021 this very Year. Read below and be encouraged for your own Specific request a personal prophetic word Breakthrough as the Word of The Lord is strong within me for Specifics for Days and Months and Years as the Proven Gift of God within me for the past 7 Years for this on-line Platform has been confirmed and established and verified through thousands of people Worldwide now. To JESUS be all the Glory and Honor always. Read below and be encouraged and her gracious words of verified confirmation of her Prophecy coming to pass.


MAY 2021 will come as Increase will be seen in Your Finance's even in the most unexpected ways as little by little will make for a Happy ending of this month says the Lord. (I see multiple increases will come; I see the number 3 times total of separate increase 4 U)


May 2021 Praise Report: 6-month Prophecy

Dear Steven, for this month of May I have received 3 separate Blessings from the Lord. I received an unexpected check; back pay from unemployment and have received 2 job offers for new employment. Praise God!!! I also have been seeing the number 4:44, 3:33 on the clock 2:22, and 1:11. I receive those numbers as blessings and confirmations from the Lord. Thank-you man of God in Jesus name for your word.

If you have been blessed by this New Blog Post, please share it with as many people you may know that need a real request a personal prophetic word into their life from a Real Prophet of the Highest in Steven Svec Today!

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