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Request a Prophetic Word from Steven and Receive the True Word of The Lord in Christ!

Are YOU ready to receive the True Word of The Lord 4 Your life in Christ Jesus? Are you searching for answers to questions that you have not been able to get a breakthrough in your life or the lives of the ones you care about? If so, then you are reading the perfect blog post in regard to request a prophetic word online 4 your life dear friend. Steven Svec is such a man that is gifted from the Lord for a specific request a prophetic word online in any arena of your life today that will bring specific answers to your specific request a prophetic word online in any arena of your life. Whether is Love and Romance or Job and Career or Ministry and Gifting's or maybe you have 1 specific question to ask Steven to bring before the Lord on your behalf or maybe you have an emergency that needs a resolution and divine revelation to bring the outcome that you are searching for or if you desire to request a prophetic word online for a 6-month forecast or even a 12-month forecast because Steven is Gifted in all these specific arenas for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord. You can request a prophetic word online at his ministry website at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Many nowadays say that they have a special gift of some kind or another and especially in the arena of request a prophetic word and will say anything to just give you what you want to hear and then ask for a donation for a very vague generic bible verse and tell you this is what God wants to say to you with absolutely no specifics for a request a prophetic word online and just steal your money and then you will never hear from them again. These self-proclaimed Prophets are all over the social media platform and especially Facebook and YouTube. It's sad but true in today's day and age there are so many charlatans using the Lord's name for PROFIT, and they don't even have a real Gift let alone the ability to give you a clear and positive request a prophetic word online for your life dear friends. Steven's ministry and Gift is 100% real with a 100% guarantee you will receive true encouragement and specifics concerning your request a prophetic word online that it will leave you with the true love of the Lord for your life and a feeling of well-being that you heard exactly what you needed to hear from the Lord.

Steven has been Ministering through the online platform since 2015 and you can always tell if a Gift and Ministry is from the Lord if there is growth as Steven's has 1000's of followers and has Prophesied the word of the Lord through request a prophetic word online to over 10,000's of people worldwide and He doesn't do ANY social media platforms at all because when you Prophesy something to someone and the Prophecy comes to pass people know what is real and what is fake and that is how Steven's and His ministry of request a prophetic word online has grown before the Masses to just about every country on Planet earth today.

You can read over 80 Testimonies right now of people just like yourself who have request a prophetic word online from steven as their Prophesies have come to pass as Prophesied through the Real Gift of Prophecy Steven operates in for all that require his counsel through this online platform. Read below a sample of a testimony of Steven's ability to Prophecy the True word of the Lord and then be encouraged to navigate to His Ministry website and request a prophetic word online for your personal breakthrough today, read below and then click the link here to request a prophetic word online today for your future tomorrow in Christ Jesus the Lord Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! A few months back I had the honor to Prophesy to a mother and also, she asked me to Inquire of her Son before the Lord as well concerning his life in regard to his Love & relationship and Job & Career of his Future. I had known foreknowledge of Him or his current occupation or anything concerning his love life in the present. Be encouraged as you read this Confirmed Prophecy by the mother as I Reveal by the Holy Spirit the Son's present Job and Occupation as well as his Future wife in detail concerning the Woman that he is dating presently as the Spirit reveals his Future wife, Job, and even family and children and even the name of the middle child that I prophesied will be born as the middle child of a total of 3 children. God knows the beginning and the ending of all our lives dear friends. Nothing is Hidden from his eyes or is he ever taken by Surprise, as HE is the Past, Present and Future of every Human being on Planet Earth. Read this Prophecy and be encouraged and Request Your SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy from this very Unique Gifting within me in Christ Jesus.... The Prophecy is below and the Confirmation of the mother in regard to the Accuracy of my Reveal and Prediction of His Future walk on this Earth.



As I brought these questions before the Lord for you C**** I see a young boy playing with animals as if you possibly you had animals as a child from this vision, I see in front of me. I see you playing with a dog, and I see actually all kinds of animals as if possibly you grew up on a farm or have a special connection to them in a deeper way than I think you are aware of. I could see you as a veterinarian possibly one day if you are not thinking or pursuing this now are my Impressions, but just keep this before you as I see you having a very sensitive spirit for animals is what I am interpreting form this vision. I see you now as man and I have a very proud Impression of who you are and what you have become says the Lord. I see you like a warrior and one that serves his fellow man and LOYALTY is a very big part of who you are and what you have become before the Lord dear brother. I see you even as if you serve the Lord, you serve your COUNTRY and serve the people and even the less fortunate that can't help themselves are my Impressions from the Spirit 4U. I see you having a career in the field of SERVICE as if you were MILITARY and also, I see this vision again of you playing with animals as if you will merge these 2 passions together one day and become the best of both of these quality's you have within yourself to serve man and animal if this makes sense... okay...

As far as Love and Relationship goes and I don't know how old you are or even dating, but I see you married in your late 20's are my Immediate Impressions from the Spirit. I see you juggling between 2 passions that will interest you in your walk before the Lord. I even see you in a Youth group as if you are the Leader or even one that is helping out with different functions, and I even see Mission trips that will capture your thought process as well. I see a family of 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy... The boy will be the middle child and you will call him Aaron is what I hear from the Spirit. This is what I hear so I speak as I hear from the Spirit like this. This name may or may not be any significance to you now, but possibly in the Future. I see you also as a man that has traveled and or will travel outside of this country and into other countries and this is where you will get the idea and Impression of the passions within your mind to develop into the man and career and husband that the lord has planned 4U my friend. okay... These are my Impression from the Spirit and I pray that all have been blessed and encouraged in your walk and journey on this earth before the Lord this day...


Thank you so much Steven! You have truly blessed me this day with this prophecy. Thank you for the prophecy for myself which I am digesting and reading over and over again with joy in my heart for what the Lord has planned for me. But you have blessed me even more so with the prophecy for my son, C****. I did not share this with you but let this be confirmation from the Holy Spirit as it is her that is guiding your prophecy. I travel tomorrow to see my son graduate from BASIC TRAINING for the Army! It has been a journey for him, and I am so proud of the man that he is becoming as he is a strong man of God. He is 27 and is a bright light for Jesus where he is.

He has a DOG here at home with me that he misses dearly, and if you remember "the Peter Cottontail" prophecy that you provided to me, we have a bunny, plus FOUR other dogs, a cat, and while he was growing up, a lot of other various animals. As you can see animals play a big factor in our lives and my son does have a special affinity with animals that is very evident. He has a girlfriend here at home too that he wants to marry, and he keeps telling me that he wants to be a DAD!

I will share this prophecy with C**** tomorrow when I see him graduate in Fort Benning, Georgia as a special gift to him and it will bring him encouragement as he moves forward in his career in the MILITARY and in his life as a HUSBAND and FATHER.

Thank you so much!!

If you have been blessed by this blog post, please share it with as many people that you know who are looking for the real deal to hear the true word of the lord for their lives through the Prophetic Gifting of Steven Svec for a request a prophetic word online today, Amen!

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