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Request Personal Prophecy, Accurate for Your life!

My church believes in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and many say they have the gift of Prophecy, but I have come to notice throughout all the years that I have gone to my church very few of these words if any have ever come to pass by these people who say they have the Gift of Prophecy and some of them even call themselves Prophets? So, this began my search to see and find a REAL ministry and Gifting that could give me a Word from God above that would actually encourage me and come to pass as spoken. Well, my prayers were answered as I searched the world wide web and come across a ministry called Prophetic Insights 4 U. This man of God named Steven Svec sent me via email at my request the most Specific Personal Prophecy about my life and revealed SECRETS that the Lord showed him that I only knew about my life, and I was deeply touched even to tears of Joy as I read His words to me last Saturday evening.

I would fully encourage anyone that is seeking a True Gifted Ministry to speak and Prophecy into your life that Steven Svec is such a man that God is using through the online Platform for all to be encouraged in Christ Jesus. His website is Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

When you view his website and read all the Testimonies of people, he has Prophesied the True Word of the Lord, it will encourage you to request personal Prophecy accurate here from Him. Read what he says here himself for request personal prophecy online from him and it makes sense to me 100% as so many are seeking a TRUE Gifted Minister, read here what Steven says "How many times have you gone to a Prophetic Conference and Paid for an administration fee required and been bombarded during the conference to give and sow into the Prophets Ministry hoping that He or She will call Your name out and Prophesy the Word of the Lord to you when there are hundreds of people at the conference and the Prophet only Ministers to 15 or 20 people maybe with a Personal Prophecy and you don't receive what you came to hear PERSONALLY from the Lord? You have a direct one on one divine appointment with Me every month as long as you desire and you can even cancel at any time with no obligation, but what a great Opportunity for True Encouragement from an Established Prophetic Gifting for the past 7 years now through this online Platform.

This Unique and Rare ability of the Lord within me always gives sound biblical advice and Revelation BUT also has the ability to answer the questions and Supernatural Insights from Gods Gifting within me since birth. Let me bring Your requests before the Lord on a monthly basis, I Promise you won't be disappointed!

Steven Svec is the Real deal people of God. Go and request personal prophecy from him and be encouraged this day in Christ the Lord at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

If you have been blessed by this post, please share it with your friends and family or anyone seeking a REAL GIFTED PROPHET that gives Specifics into your life for your walk and journey on the earth, blessings now.

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