Request Personal Prophetic Word 4 Your Life in God Through Christ Jesus by Steven
Have you ever done a request personal prophetic word and felt like you got scammed from the person who said that they were gifted, or a prophet and the request personal prophetic word was so bad and so generic that you felt cheated? Thats almost the norm nowadays when you request personal prophetic word from ANYONE on the social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, tumbler, YouTube and all the rest that are out there nowadays. I did a request from a guy on Facebook who was doing one of those webinars and he asked me if I wanted a request personal prophecy and I said sure, let's see what you got Mr. Prophet as he called himself this and he began to so Prophesy about me and my life and he was so off and incorrect I was actually embarrassed for him. Thats all that you see now for request personal prophetic word on the social media platforms all over and it's so bad for the entire body of Christ church to be viewed and judged by the world about how bad it had gotten in the day that we are all living in. Now, I say all that to let you all know about a REAL man of God who does carry a very accurate request personal prophetic word gift and anointing that will bring a smile to your face and encouragement to your heart as Steven Svec is such an individual that God uses for request personal prophetic word and Steven doesn't do social media anything. You can request personal prophetic word from him at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Steven actually despises any social media platforms and God told him years ago not to get involved with anything to do with social media even before there was social media. This is even documented in some of stevens world prophesies about the internet even before the internet was discovered. So, you can see that He is exactly what he says he is, He doesn't need a title before his name to say he is sent from God like so many do on the social media platform. It seems like everyone is a Prophet nowadays and its truly a stench in the nostrils of God that this is all happening and yet Steven Years ago Prophesied this would be happening before there was ever something called Facebook. So, if you want real request personal prophetic word for your life in Christ, you can trust the Gift of God within steven to bring and speak the True word of the Lord over and into your life in Christ Jesus at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
If you have been blessed by this blog post about request personal prophetic word and about Steven Svec and his natural born gift of true Prophecy to speak into and over people's lives with accuracy, please share this post with as many people as you like that would like to have a real gifted man of God speak request personal prophecy at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
God Bless you all and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor through Prophet Steven Svec at request personal prophetic word today Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (