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Request Personal Prophetic Word, 4 Your Life Today!

Do you need a Specific questioned answered? or maybe you need a New Career Change or feel led to pursue another way of making a living, or maybe you want to know what your Specific Ministry and Gifts that are within you from the Lord, or maybe your just curious what is ahead for the next 6 or 12 months of your life on planet Earth. There is a man named Steven Svec who has a ministry website called Prophetic Insights 4 U and he Prophesy's the Word of The Lord for people's lives. His Ministry website is called Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

He is one of what I call the True Prophets, or I should just say has a REAL Gift from God to bring Hope and encouragement into people's lives through the medium of Request Personal Prophecy 4 life. When you visit his website, you can navigate to every page and to the request prophetic word page as he has 8 or 9 different Prophecy options to choose for every arena of your life in Christ and that's what's so unique about this man's Gift is that he gives Jesus Christ all the glory and honor for what God does through him in the arena of request personal prophetic word 4 life at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Here is an example of what he calls his 12-month Prophecy Forecast in His own words when you request it from him at his website. 12 Month Forecast Prophecy 4U

This Option I will bring your Name before the Lord and Inquire on your behalf as to what the next 12 Full Months of your life will look like as EACH months Prophetic Insights are Revealed to me by the Holy Spirit through Impressions, Whispers and Visions with GLIMPSES of your Future revealed before my Spiritual Eyes. I will then convey EACH month into a small Sentence/Paragraph as the Interpretation of the Prophetic Utterance as the Word of The Lord is Revealed 4 U. Request Your Personal Prophetic Word 12 Month Prophecy Forecast Today in Christ Jesus and be Amazed! Please allow up to 10 full business days to receive this Prophecy Option. So, you can read and be confident when you request personal prophetic word 4 life from Prophet Steven you will be 100% guaranteed that Specifics for each month will be revealed through God's gift with him in Christ Jesus the Lord at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

If you have been encouraged by this New Blog Post, please share it with family and friends who are looking for direction for their lives in Christ Jesus the Lord. I fully recommend Prophet Steven's Ministry of Request personal prophetic word 4 life, Blessings to all this day.

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