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Request Personal Prophetic Word from Steven 4 The True Word of The Lord in Christ!

To many people nowadays say that they can Prophesy Accurately, but they don't. Request personal prophetic word from a Real Gifted Individual and receive the TRUE WORD OF THE LORD 4 your life in Christ Jesus dear friends. To many calls themselves a Prophet or Apostle and yet they make even national request personal prophetic word that never comes to pass for nations let alone on a personal level from their ministries. Steven has a proven track record for the past 8 years now for request personal prophetic word for people's lives with testimonies following His Personal and National Predictions in Christ Jesus. Not everyone that calls themselves a Prophet is a Prophet nor do they even in the Gift of Prophecy let alone a TRUE Prophetic Mantle from above. Steven is one of those few that can back up what he Prophesies on a daily basis from and for people all over the world through his ministry website. You can request personal prophetic word from Him just click the link below and navigate to the request personal prophetic word page at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Steven carries a REAL Gift that you can trust to receive God's message to you specific to your situation personally. Request personal prophetic word through a called individual is powerful and will impact your life for the better. Steven has presently 8 different request personal prophetic word options available on His ministry website that you can choose for any arena of your life in Christ Jesus. Steven has walked in this very specific and accurate request personal prophetic word for years now with 1000's of request personal prophetic word delivered to people from just about every country on the Planet to date. Make sure you read Steven's endorsements from some of these people who have received request personal prophetic word from him and be encouraged for your specific request personal prophetic word today for your future tomorrow in Christ Jesus the Lord. Read the Testimony below and be encouraged and navigate to Steven's website and request your personal prophetic word from him today, read the testimony below and be encouraged for your specific request personal prophetic word breakthrough now!

"Holy Spirit BOOK Prophecy Confirmation"

More Testimonies of the Word of the Lord revealing the Hearts and Secrets of Men and Woman! Here is another neat little Testimony of a woman I just Prophesied to recently as she requested the Ministry & Gifts Prophecy option on my ministry site. The Word of the Lord revealed a particular Gift of the Holy Spirit that she is very strong with and her sensitivity to be able to hear the Holy Spirit's voice to minister to people. Although during her Prophecy I never call out anything about a book she had just finished writing about her experiences with him (Holy Spirit) but I do describe in detail about her sensitivity to hear the Spirit's voice and the Gift of the Word of Knowledge which is very strong within her. I reveal in her Prophecy that one day she will speak before groups of people and churches and share her Testimony of her Gift and also, she will be Teaching others on how to position themselves to hear the Spirit clearly as she. I was shown a vision of 2 Angels that help set up divine appointments for her to use this Gift of the Spirit to minister to those that the Lord directs her to. Just a neat little Testimony I pray will encourage you to believe for your Special Breakthrough this day my friends. Her Prophecy and Testimony and response back to me literally within 1 hour of her receiving it from me. She asked the Lord for a confirmation of her ability to hear the Spirit as she does and her experience's she has had because she just finished a book about all of that and was nervous about having it published or not. She received her Prophecy from me, and CONFIRMATION was revealed, and her Destiny is beginning to unfold before her very eyes. To JESUS the CHRIST do I give all the Glory and Honor of such a precious Testimony for this lady.

HER PROPHECY: As I brought your request before the Lord I am inspired to speak and say from the Gift of God within me of the Impressions of the Spirit 4 U that the Lord has instilled within you the Gift of Word of Knowledge that is strong within you dear sister. You may already be flowing in this now, but if you are I feel there is going to be a increase in your ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit even clearer says the Lord. I see a vision of you in a church surroundings and I see speaking to people and people that you don't even know are my Impressions from the scene before me, I see you speaking and revealing the words that you are hearing in your spirit to them. I see you actually ministering to these people and laying hands on them and praying for them now. I just want to encourage you now that if you are not flowing in this Gift of the Holy Spirit to start and step out in faith and see what God from what the Spirit will do is trying to convey to me 4 U. I feel that you do hear the Spirit when he speaks to you about things and people, but sometimes you feel it was just your mind saying these things to you, but in fact it was the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention to begin to start stepping out and obeying what you are hearing in your spirit and being used of the Lord with this Gift. I see Angels around you as well as I am typing this Prophecy now, and I see divine appointments that you will be led to begin using your Gift and I see these 2 Angels helping you in your stepping out in Faith more to believe what you are hearing is from the Holy Spirit for people. I see you even ministering one day in a church setting as if you will be teaching others how to hear and telling your testimony one day of what the Lord had done in your life to begin to minister to people and hearing the voice of the Lord to bring encouragement and confirmation into others' lives, Amen. These are my Insights from the Spirit 4 U this day L**a. I just want to bless you and encourage you in Christ Jesus the Lord. This Gifting of the Word of Knowledge is strong within you, and I pray that you will keep moving forward and believing the Holy Spirit and stepping out in faith and blessings others with what God has blessed you with dear sister. Amen and Amen! HER RESPONSE AND CONFIRMATION: Steven! Thank you so much for your words from the Lord. I’ve just completed my first ever book of my experience with the Holy Spirit and wanted to have a confirmation from someone in the ministry I trust. With the words you have spoken to me by the Lord I am going to move forward and get the book published and “that” will be a huge step a of faith. Thankful for you! Have a great week!

If you have been blessed by this blog post and the testimony above, please let other people no and forward this blog post to as many people that you know that would be blessed by the REAL DEAL and a real gift from God through Prophet Steven at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Amen and God Bless, you all this day in Christ the Lord.

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