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Request Personal Prophetic Word revelation 4 Your life in Christ Jesus!

I asked myself the other day, what is request personal prophetic word revelation 4 my life and is it possible to receive this kind of information and have it relevant to my life and accurate as well? My Church believes in personal prophecy and the supernatural gifts of the holy spirit, but I see the same people get and receive a personal prophecy and nothing ever came to pass including myself for direct revelation about my life from God until I was referred to a man named Steven Svec and his Ministry website at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

I went to his website and read all the testimonies over 80 you can read and was absolutely blown away at what this man is able to do through God's Gift within him of request personal prophecy. I read one Testimony where he predicted for a woman who couldn't conceive to birth a child and he prophesied into her life and she became pregnant to the very month he predicted she would give birth to s Son and she did. I asked myself, well id He can do that for this woman, maybe he can prophesy to me about my specific needs that I desire to here revelation revealed into my life as well through Prophet Steven and his amazing REAL Gift from God in the arena of Personal Prophecy at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

I proceeded to request personal prophetic word revelation 4 my life in Christ through Prophet Steven's ministry website. It took about 7 days to get my Prophecy from him but it was well worth the wait as he Prophesied like I have never heard before with such incredible accuracy and he revealed Secrets of my life for verification and confidence that I knew he was hearing from Gog for my Specific request I had and needed more clarity revelations from God for my life.

He has 8 different personal prophecy options to choose for your life and even has a option you can chat with him on the phone or even skype for your personal Prophecy from him. I would fully encourage you to visit his ministry website if you are seeking and searching for specific guidance in your life in Christ Jesus because He is the real Deal and will give you a encouraging word of Prophecy that will give you hope for your future walk and journeys on this Earth to live the best life you have always wanted to live at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

If you have enjoyed this blog post please share it with as many people that you may know that is seeking to here a REAL gifted man of God in the arena of request personal prophetic word revelation Today. Blessing now..

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