Request Prophetic Word, is this for friends?
I have received in my life many Requests Prophetic Word for myself. I wondered if this would be a good idea for friends and family to Request personal prophecy for themselves or even someone that they care about. I prayed about this before God the Father, and I had a Vision of a man who was called a Prophet who delivered God's words to people to help them in their lives and answered the questions that are concerning for their life. I searched the internet and found such a man; his name is Steven Svec. He calls himself a Prophet and he hears God's words for people. You can request Personal Prophecy from his Ministry website at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U ( or you can request personal prophecy here Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
I requested a request prophetic word for my mother, and she was so blessed and encouraged for what Prophet Steven gave her request personal prophecy word. I would definitely encourage this man's ministry and gift from God for request personal prophecy at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
I then requested a request prophetic word for my dad, and he was tremendously blessed and encouraged from the Prophetic words Prophet Steven delivered to his email address. Thats how Prophet Steven sends the request personal prophecy to people is through your email address. He was so blessed he even testified that the words that Steven spoke came to pass even the very next day. My dad went shopping for a new car and Prophet Steven was shown a vision of a red car and told my dad in his request personal prophecy that he would find the exact red car the very next day and he did.
I then requested a request prophetic word for my best friend Brian and Prophet Steven sent the Prophecy word to his email address and he was also blessed and encouraged as Prophet Steven released the request personal prophecy into Brian's life last week. You can request personal prophecy from steven's website at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
So, I truly believe it is a good idea and a blessing to others if you have them receive a request prophetic word from a True Prophet of God like Steven Svec. He has a supernatural Gift to bless people with and gives God all the Glory and Honor as he speaks the word of God and can Predict events in people's lives but also has predicted World events as well. Remember this as well it makes a big difference receiving a request personal prophecy from a true Prophet like Steven Svec than a person who is not gifted and just wants to steal your money. Steven is not like that, and you are 100% guaranteed to receive encouragement and hope into your life from steven. So, make your request today at his ministry website Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
If you have been blessed by this blog post, please share it with your friends and family and anyone you know that needs encouragement in Christ Jes the Lord Today, Amen! Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (