Request Prophetic word 4 Your Destiny in Christ Jesus Now!
Have you ever requested prophetic word for your destiny on the earth? It's possible to request personal prophecy for your life and get the answers you are looking for my friends in Christ Jesus the Lord. The Prophetic Gift when used correctly will give you the answers you are looking for true happiness while you are alive to fulfill your destiny in Christ Jesus. There are many counterfeits in request prophetic word on the earth nowadays, so beware of these people who call themselves a Prophet and say they hear God's voice for your life and in fact they are entertaining a familiar spirit so they can Profit from you and steal your money dear saints. Social Media is where all these FAKE PROPHETS advertise their FAKE Gift from God to be able to Prophesy. They will shout out what is called words of knowledge that are very generic and say that there is someone that has a back problem? Well, everybody on the planet probably has a back problem lol. Just beware of all these fake individuals who will ask you to donate into their PayPal account if you have been blessed by their fake ministry and fake prophecies and fake gift from God. Now with all that said, there is a REAL man of God with a REAL GIFT to Prophecy the request prophetic word for your life in Christ Jesus and this man's name is Steven Svec.
You can request personal prophecy from him at his ministry website at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Request prophetic word in this man is absolutely astounding with testimonials following his predictions for everyone that requests his spiritual counsel in Christ Jes the Lord. Many say they can request personal prophecy, but they cannot back up their request personal prophecy with results every time, but Steven can with a 100% GURANTEE that how confident he is in his REAL gift from God to request prophetic word into your life dear friends. When you get to his Ministry site navigate to the request prophetic word page and make your request and donate accordingly for whatever request prophetic word option you choose at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
If you really want to hear from God specifically from steven, go and request prophetic word from him and you will be so encouraged in Christ Jesus the Lord. He gives Jesus all the Glory and Honor for every request personal prophecy word comes to pass as he predicts for people's lives just like you and me. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose so go and request prophetic word from steven and be encouraged in Christ Jesus the Lord for your life on this earth to be happy and fruitful and prosperous as it was always meant to be since the foundations of the Earth when God the Father created the Cosmos eons and eons ago.
If you have been blessed with this blog post of request prophetic word for your destiny, go and share this with as many people as you feel lead to do so and have them request prophetic word form steven for themselves to be blessed and encouraged this day, Amen!
Here is a small testimony you can read as well for encouragement for your specific request prophetic word breakthrough through stevens gift of Prophecy since his birth.
Prophecy released December 4th, 2018:
"SEPTEMBER will bring family and friends together, even as GOOD NEWS will be heard of one of your Kin that will bring much joy to your Household says the Lord."
Her Confirmation in her own words as she contacted me back in February of this Year 2019 concerning the GOOD NEWS of her Sister Pregnant and expecting in September of this Year 2019 as Prophesied through me in December 4th, 2018, as I released her 2019 Forecast at that Time. Now what is really amazing is that when I Prophesied this to her for that month her sister obviously wasn't even pregnant yet or even conceived realistically until sometime in January 2019 would be a Traditional 9-month term as usual. Read in her own words below as she confirmed the Word of The Lord.
Her words of Confirmation Read Below:
Hi Prophet Steven, I requested for my 2019 forecast and you revealed that in September "GOOD NEWS will be heard of one of your kin's." Last night my sister told me she is expecting her first baby at that time!