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"Signed Contract, Handshake Prophecy Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the TRUE Word of The Lord revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! Here is another Great Request Prophetic Word Testimony you are about to read as I Prophesied the TRUE Word of the Lord to a young man who requested the 6 Month Prophecy Forecast in December 2023 for the first 6 months for 2024. This man who is actually a Minister of the Gospel which I had no Foreknowledge of requested the 6 Month Prophecy Forecast starting in January 2024 through June 2024. The Word of the Lord was released for him as He has shared with me many Testimonies but I will share just this one month for Him of June 2024 and what I Prophesied would happen as bits and Pieces and Visions and the Gift of God and the Gift of Prophecy within me as visions of Him signing a contract and shaking hands was all that I saw and I revealed this as for something He needs to be aware of as the month of June will be experienced. There was a reason for the contract and handshake but it was not revealed to me what it was or all about, but you will read from His confirmed testimony for this particular month of a Car that He has purchased. Remember that we can only Prophecy in part as Gods word tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:9 "For we know in part and we PROPHESY in part" the reason for this is GOD wants us to walk in Faith not by sight. Read this mans testimony below and HIS GRACIOUS WORDS of the Gift of Prophecy within me that has been validated literally since I was born on this earth but through the on-line Platform for the past 9 years now through my Ministry website PropheticInsights4u and you can read of over 100 documented and verified testimonies on my Ministry website and I have hundreds more I can post but I am so busy Ministering 6 days a week, I just try to do a few a year now to help encourage your Faith and God's Gift of Prophecy within me through the Holy Spirit for your SPECFIC Personal Prophecy Breakthrough in any arena of your life. to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor do I lift up through this on-line Platform. I have Prophesied the TRUE word of the Lord to just about every nation on Planet Earth through this Platform. Read now His Prophecy for the month of JUNE 2024 and then His Gracious words of Confirmation of the REAL Gift of Prophecy in action not just words that 99% of so called self proclaimed Prophets through the Social Media Platforms. Be encouraged now and request your Personal Prophecy from me today in JESUS MIGHTY NAME!


JUNE 2024 will be remembered as a month of Great Joy and Happiness even as a Handshake will seal the Deal says the Lord. ( I saw a vision of 2 hands coming together and I saw Paperwork that looked like some kind of Contract and I had the Knowing that this will be a month of "Favor" is what I hear as I'm typing this Prophecy now and it will connect to a Business that will bring a Greater Platform 4U and what the Lord has put within Your own Heart to Fulfill and I hear lastly once again "Dream again like a Child and You will have what You ask" be in Prayer)


Grace and Honor Prophet Steven,

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your exceptional prophetic gift. The six-month prophecy and the ministry prophecy you shared with me were incredibly insightful and accurate. It is evident that your spiritual discernment is truly remarkable.

I particularly resonated with the ministry prophecy, which highlighted the diverse roles I have taken on in my journey. Wearing multiple hats has sometimes led to confusion about my identity and responsibilities within the body of Christ. However, your confirmation that I am both a teacher and a prophet within the church brought clarity and validation to my calling.

Furthermore, the prophecy about a contract being signed in June proved to be accurate, as I recently signed a contract for a car. This is just one of many testimonies I have experienced as a result of your prophetic revelations, and I will gladly share more of them with you separately.

Yours sincerely,

p*******k B.

Scroll to the top of this Testimony and Request Your Personal Prophecy from me dear friend. There are presently 9 different Prophecy Options for Specific Personal Prophecy on my Ministry website to choose for every arena of your life. What the Lord Revealed for this Man HE can do for You. I want You to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me, Amen and Amen. Thank You JESUS....

In His Love and Service


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