Let me first start out saying this for you all my followers that are in the hundreds of thousands now. There will be NO Assassination of Donald J Trump Today 1/20/2025 as I am sending this prophecy out 4 full hours before Donald J Trump will be Inaugurated roughly at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time U.S. 1/20/2025. Many False self Proclaimed Prophets are having FALSE Visions from fallen Angels coming to them disguised in Light showing them such things . People like self Proclaimed FALSE PROPHET Brandon Biggs, self proclaimed FALSE PROPHET Chris Reed and people all over the world telling people to pray that this wouldn't happen. NO WHERE in the Bible does it say to do this that their FALSE visions wouldn't happen if people prayed. This just brings FEAR upon the people of God. This is not the role of a True Prophetic Voice that says WHAT THUS SAITH THE LORD! With that said Donald J Trump will fill out his 4 Year Term starting today and bring a Brand New era of the Great Nation of America back into Great Power that will unite 100% with Israel alliance once again. This is not to say their will be challenges because of what the Biden administration has done to the nation and there will be attempted attacks on Trumps life in the Future simply because HE has the Hand of God on Him to fulfill His assignments on his life even before he was born into his mothers womb. Pre-Destintion is a real thing dear saints and for us all that are in Christ Jesus especially. GOD will finish what he has started in all our lives and that's the TRUE Word of The Lord! NOW, read below the TRUE Word of The Lord and always keep those in Authority in Your Prayers as President Trump is the Leader of the United States and the FREE World starting today 1/20/2025 as we know it in Jesus Mighty name.
This is the 3rd and Final Prophecy of my latest 3 Prophecy Trilogy.
The first was https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/is-jesus-coming-back-in-2025-no and the 2nd Prophecy of the Trilogy given to me by the Lord https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/trump-2-0-decoded-the-return-of-the-king-trump and now the 3rd as described in the above Header "Trump 1/20/2025 Inauguration Prophecy Fulfilled. Back on February 6th 2024 the Lord showed me that Trump would be the next nominated United States President 4 year Term President by a landslide which came to pass to the very day 11/6/2024 in the early morning the election was called in Trumps Favor. Here is the Original Prophecy Documented and Fulfilled https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump
Now, this 3rd and Final Prophecy I am releasing today 1/20/2025 on the Inauguration day of Donald J Trump into his 2nd and final Term and whats to come in regards to decoding the original Prophecy that revealed much, but only with Divine Revelation to completely understand what the Lord said and released through me as a THUS SAITH THE LORD Prophecy, not a dream or vision or trance, but the TRUE Word of the Lord.
Here is the Final exert of the Word of the Lord Prophesied back on 2/6/2024 as Revelation Knowledge has been revealed to me through the Holy Spirit for such a time as this in GOD'S Perfect timing in what is to come! read below the exert of the original Prophecy https://www.propheticinsights4u.com/prophecy/the-return-of-the-king-trump
The Lord was not taken by SURPRISE of what happened in 2020 because HE sees all and knows all. ALL that is happening now is by HIS design and HIS plans to use what HE allowed to happen just as HE used Pharaoh in the days of Egypt and the Israelite's captivity of 400 years of being slaves to the Egyptians, so is HE using the present administration of the Presidency of the United States of America as He called the one sitting in the seat of the Highest and Powerful Position a "Puppet" and one that has brought the great Nation of AMERICA to its knees for the entire world to see. So shall this Pharaoh, this "Puppet" and the Puppets Masters be used for the Glory of God as the Return of the King will come and a 2nd Term will be established through the Rod of Moses that shall come and part another RED SEA, and even as the Pharaoh's army of the present age will try and derail God's Perfect Plan Masterpiece, it will come to nothing as accusation after accusation after accusation will fall to the ground and will ultimately prepare the Path of the Return of The King to the Highest seat in the Nation of America once again and begin once again to REBUILD what has been lost says the Lord.
NOW, the Revelation Knowledge I was shown concerning this particular passage of the Original Prophecy that during Trumps next 4 years is that as was Prophesied and spoken and through me is the "The Rod of Moses (Trump) that shall come and part another RED SEA" Interpretation is that Trump will do very much good in his second term even while facing many obstacles created from previous administration, but one of the main assignments he will accomplish is Part the RED SEA? The Red Sea which is the Republican Party still has RHINOS within it, not very many, but a few and they have already shown who they are. 3 main Men showed their hand as RHINOS that lean towards the Democratic Demonic agenda and also for their own personal gain as you can read in the clip below who these men are and the Lord is saying Trump will deal with them and uproot them out of their office says the Lord!
These 3 men are Ralph Norman, R-S.C, Keith Self, R-Texas, and Thomas Massie R-Ky are RHINOS and will eventually depart during Trumps 4 year term, This is the Word of The Lord!
TRUMP Prophecies Fulfilled by the Lord through me in 2024 listed below 100% Accurate and Documented.
Servant of The Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 1/20/2025