More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the Secrets of Men and Woman! Here is another encouraging Testimony of a Man who I just Prophesied to recently the last week in September 2019. He requested a 6 Month Prophecy Forecast and the Month that really brought Enlightenment to him instantly and confirmation was November of this Year 2019 which hasn't even happened yet as I Prophesied these words to him concerning the month of November 2019. I was shown a vision of 1 Single Rose and then the Word of the Lord was released through me saying "NOVEMBER will come as a Red Rose will signify the start of a Season of your greatest achievement yet" Read below his response and my correspondence with him to confirm this Confirmation Prediction in regards to this Specific month that is still yet to happen a few months from now in the Future. To JESUS CHRIST do I give all the Glory and Honor when a Confirmation of this magnitude or Personal Prophecy Specific comes to pass through the Gift of God within me my Friends. Read below now the Confirmation Prophecy for November for this man and who I also Prophesied to him concerning a helpmate (wife) in a earlier Prophecy to him of his Future wife's Nationality as he confirms this also in his gracious words to me. I am always amazed my dear friends at the Unique Gift of Specific Personal Prophecy that the Lord uses through me. It's not always this Specific but when it happens and is confirmed I am so humbled because I know that only God can do such a thing and bring so much Hope and Joy and Encouragement into peoples lives, I am but just a vessel and a servant for HIS Glory! Amen and Amen..

PROPHECY CONFIRMATION released on 9/24/2019 Read Below:
NOVEMBER will come as a Red Rose will signify the start of a Season of your greatest achievement yet, even as the next 5 months will determine the outcome says the Lord.
HIS RESPONSE in his own words read below and than our correspondence back and fourth to confirm this Testimony:
Hi Steven, Thank you for the six month prophecy, your word for November I know is full of God’s insight, ‘a Red Rose will signify the start of a season of your greatest achievement yet’ as I am planning to MARRY in November. So praise the Lord, thank you for this and other ‘signs and wonders’ of the Lord to look forward to. Blessings! T*****Y
MY RESPONSE back to him to Confirm His Testimony read below and than his final confirmation of this Testimony:
Hey T*****Y, that's awesome my brother, Congrats! Is this something that is a for sure or a confirmation as to your intentions?
HIS FINAL CONFIRMATION response read below and be Amazed:
Hi Steven,
Yes our plans and planes are booked for a private destination wedding in St Lucia, November 5. And this lady is in fact a Philippine lady of whom you also confirmed in previous prophetic words.
God is good! Thank you you for your faithfulness.
Scroll to the top of this Testimony and request your SPECIFIC Personal Prophecy from me dear Friends. I Have 8 Specific Prophecy Options that are available for many different arenas of your life. What the Lord did for this man he can do the same for You! God Bless you all and I pray you have been encouraged this day in Christ Jesus, Amen..
Blessings in Christ