I had a warning dream for Alicia Keys the secular R & B Artist singer early this morning 1/17/2025. I woke from the dream with her hit song "Fallin" which main riff and words in that song say "I keep on falling in and out of love with you" as these words penetrated my Spirit as I awoke and I knew Immediately the Lord was saying to Pray and Intercede for Her Immediately as I did the rest of the morning hours concerning her well being and most Importantly her Soul.
I don't follow her or listen to her music or has the Lord brought the thought of her into my Thoughts for decades. This is how God speaks to me in dreams and Interpretations or of a foretelling of something that is about to happen in regards to that dream or Nation or Person. I know with a 100% Certainty that she (Alicia keys) will be in the News in the coming days or months in 2025 concerning her life and I can only pray that it will be good News as in my Spirit the Lord had me Intercede as I had the Impressions of Pray and Intercede and Deceived about her and what she maybe going through right now in her life. She needs Jesus and Jesus is reaching out to anyone who will pray and Intercede for Her Salvation. I ask anyone and everyone that will read this Blog Post to say a Prayer for Alicia Keys and lift her up before the Father in Jesus name that she would come to the saving grace and knowledge of Christ the Lord. I have such and urgency in my Spirit man for her in this very hour. Pray for Alicia and her safety and her salvation in Christ Jesus the Lord.
This is the Word of The Lord Revealed this day is to Pray for this Woman a Child of God, just like you and I.
Request Your Specific Personal Prophecy from me Today CLICK HERE, as The Holy Spirit allows as SECRETS are revealed for Your Destiny in Christ Jesus and Your Journeys on This Earth and Your Path made clearer to fulfill all that has been pre-destined for your life even before Time was ever created by the Creator himself eons and eons and eons ago.
Servant of the Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 1/17/2025