This is a Dream Prediction Interpretation not the Word of The Lord as I have was NOT given Revelation Insight into what I was allowed to SEE in a Dream early morning 1/23/2025 as I awoke at 3 a.m. I will relay the entire dream and my Impressions at the time of the dream of what I feel is something in the near Future will come to pass in Human Interpretation and God's Gift within me which has been validated through out the past 30 years and counting. Here is what I experienced and my Interpretation, Pray for the City of Jerusalem Trains and Public Transportation.
The Dream:
I woke up at 3 a.m. abruptly early morning 1/23/2025. The Lord strangely speaks through Secular songs to me in my Dreams as they are taking place. I have come to understand this as a sign for me to pay attention and remember what I am being shown. I was actually in this dream myself. I was on a Train/subway standing up holding onto a rail in a section and going at a fast speed. I noticed a man sitting down by himself and seemed out of place next to me, especially with the clothing he was wearing was very out of date but I recognized his outfit attire as something I would of worn in my younger days as a man in the 1990's. I asked him where he was from and He spoke and said "I am a Time Traveler from 1999" I immediately had a bad feeling about this man after He told me this and then I began hearing the words of the song "Viva la vida" from the secular pop group called "Cold play" as the words of their hit song from 2008 began to play in my mind over and over again the main Chorus of the song which says this.
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringin
Roman Cavalry choirs are singin
Be my Mirror, my word and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never and honest word
But that was when I ruled the World
As I awoke this portion of the song that I honestly never knew word for word seemed to be burned into my subconscious mind. Upon waking I pondered the dream and asked the Lord what it could mean about for 1 hour before falling back asleep. I awoke a few hours later with the same song going through my head and the dream came back to me Immediately and I began to pray again and attempt to Interpret what I was shown and why. Dreams and Visions and Trance's and such I personally don't put much stock into them, I know the Lord's Voice in My Prophesies's for "what saith the Lord"But this was different for me and I began to search for answers in the symbolism's and date and years and even the song itself that seems to be burned into my Mind. This is what I feel and Interpretation of what is possibly to come to the great City of Jerusalem in the Nation of Israel. I believe this is going to be some kind of Terror attack and from of all people and places coordinated with by Vladimir Putin and Russia. Here me out now and Judge for yourself.
The man who said he was a Time Traveler from 1999, the very end of the 20th Century who was sitting down on this train dressed in a long seemed outdated 1990's winter overcoat with a light beard and thinning hair. Vladimir Putin became the President of Russia on December 31st 1999. The song from Cold Play and the entire last chorus of that song you can read again above will have a connection to everything. Putin who was brought up Catholic Christian by his Mother but has obviously fallen away from the Faith and parts of the chorus say
Roman Cavalry choirs are singin
My missionaries in a FOREIGN field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter WON"T call my name
Never and honest word
But that was when I ruled the World.
There will be a connection to all this and the Time Traveler from 1999 and the song itself "Viva la vida" means "Live the life" and the album I researched means "Death and all his Friends and Monarchy" and the entire album contains references to Love, Life, Death and War.
I believe this attack will come from the Jerusalem Transportation Trains systems and as the song also says "I hear the Jerusalem bells a-ringin will also be a sign or coordination for such and event in the near Future.
I will close this Dream and Interpretation with what the Scriptures say through out God's Holy Cannon
Psalms 122:6 "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love Thee"
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Servant of The Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 1/23/2025