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Request a Prophecy from Prophet Steven Today 4 Your Future Tomorrow!

Are you searching for Truth? Are you looking for Answers for life's questions? Are you in a rut or stuck in a dead-end Job? Are you suffering from depression and hopelessness that has overtaken your desire to even live another day? If any of those or other seemingly hopeless situations are consuming your Thought Process than I have good news 4 U my Friend, and that is that God cares for your life and every situation in your life and can save, heal, deliver and set you free through the arena of Prayer and request a prophecy through a man that carry's the true word of the Lord for your life in Christ Jesus. Request a prophecy from Steven Svec who has been used of God for the most hopeless situations that people like yourself who think that God has abandoned them and not answered their cries for help for prayers for themselves or their loved ones, but God has a man who was born with a very unique Gift of specific request personal prophecy that has used His Gift of request a prophecy for literally 10,000's people from just about every nation on earth through the Internet Platform. You can request a prophecy from Steven at his ministry website at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Do yourself a blessing and click go to Steven's ministry website and navigate around it and read all the verified testimonies of people just like yourself who have received request a prophecy from Prophet Steven and have had their lives changed for the better for every kind of situation and circumstances that seemed hopeless and were just about to give up but the true word of the Lord was released into their lives through the Gift of God within Steven for request a prophecy. Steven's unique Gift has brought financial increase in situations for people who needed a financial miracle who were about to lose their House, but God did a Miracle through the arena of request a prophecy through Prophet Steven and Miracle Money was deposited into their bank accounts overnight and they were able to keep their Home from foreclosure and even had money extra to be blessed in that arena of their lives. Read other testimonies of people who needed a supernatural healing as they had tried through normal doctors and physicians for a diagnosis for healing of symptoms that persisted for their entire lives and even had their pastors and elders lay hands on them to be made whole, but nothing seemed to help but they didn't give up on God and they were led to Steven 's ministry website and request a prophecy from this very unique and special man of God and they received their healing in Jesus name and were made whole and live to testify of God's supernatural gift within Steven for a request a prophecy.

Many say they can Prophesy and speak and say this will happen or that will happen or will just say something to try and impress you or even steal your money with no results but the Gift of God within Steven Svec is Real and has stood the test of time with testimonials following his words of request a prophecy that have made skeptics into believers of this man's unique ability to bring real hope into any situation through the arena of request a prophecy. Read this testimony below of a woman who needed a Miracle car who didn't have any money and had no credit but bad credit but circumstances mean nothing to God in the natural because God is the God of the Miraculous and through a yielded individual can bring the most hopeless situation into a supernatural miracle as this woman you will read about in the next paragraph was denied 2 times from a dealership for a vehicle she needed desperately for herself to get to work and to provide for her kids and she request a prophecy through Steven at His ministry website and the rest is History as God did the Miraculous and she went back to this same dealership a 3rd time and was approved for a New Car AFTER Steven prophesied the true word of the lord into her life as the anointed word of God broke the bondage of lack in this womans life who trusted the Prophet of God as His words came to pass for a New Car for Her, read below in the next paragraph below and be encouraged for your own request a prophecy from a real man of God today!

Word of The Lord Vision Request a Prophecy Released to Her:

I see a Vision of a CLOCK and it is showing 5 minutes before 12 for you. I am having the Impression of EXCITEMENT about this Scene for you. I hear in the Spirit say COMPLETION as the past will be wiped away for you. It's as if Time has been standing still for you to step into your Destiny and I feel your Family's Destiny as well dear sister. I hear the Spirit say this to you " The Hands of Time will once again be Moving in Your Direction says the Lord! The Season of Delay will soon be passing as the Hands of Time will Merge together and become one, so shall your Inheritance of FAVOR and your Genealogy Birth rights will become one before me as well says the lord to you this very day!

This Woman tried 2 times and was denied 2 times as trying to Finance a good reliable vehicle for herself and family. She tried again for the 3rd time AFTER the Prophetic Word above was Released into her life and on the 16th of October drove out of that SAME Car Dealerships parking lot with the Car you see below! Is ANYTHING too hard for our God? NO, my Friends, not even sub-par Credit Reports as we all have been there before. FAVOR was Released into her situation according to the Above Prophetic Word as her word said "The Past will be wiped Clean for You" I believe the Lord wiped away her bad Credit Report there is no other logical explanation to be denied 1 day for a car Financing and then the next day AFTER The Word of the Lord was spoken and Her Destiny was Released as the Goodness of the Lord was Imparted through the Anointed Prophetic Word of Gods Unique Gift within me as the word of God clearly says in Matthew 10:41 "He who receives a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receive a Prophet's reward" To JESUS be all the Glory!

If you have been blessed and encouraged by this blog testimony post please share it with as many people that you know that need a special touch of God in their lives through the arena of request a prophecy from a real Prophet that can back up with verified proof that God uses His words to bring hope into people's lives that seem hopeless in their situations but God shows up and does the Miraculous through Steven's Gift of request a prophecy at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

God bless you all and click the link above to Steven's ministry website and request a prophecy from him today for your Future tomorrow in Christ Jesus the Lord, Amen!

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