More Testimonies of the True Word of the Lord revealing the SECRETS of men and woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony as I Prophesied to this woman who requested the "Ask Your own 1 Question" Request Personal Prophecy Option on my Ministry website. This Young Lady you are about to read submitted for a Promotion Job Position at her present workplace and that if she received the Promotion would have to then Relocate on her own as she would be then working from Home with this New Promotion Position with the current Company that she is working for to a New State where this New Job Promotion would be. She didn't know anyone in this New State she would have to Travel and relocate for the Promotion but felt this was the Lord's Direction and stepped out in Faith and the rest is History as I brought her request before the Lord and released the True Word of The Lord that came to pass as Prophesied through Gods Gift within dear friends. Read below and be encouraged for Your Request personal prophecy to come to pass whatever it may be and to JESUS be all the Glory and Honor when Your Request personal prophecy comes to pass as Prophesied. Now, read her 1 question below and my Request Personal Prophecy released through me into and over her life's situation.
"Asked Her 1 Question Request Personal Prophecy"
I've recently applied to a higher position at my company that's work-at-home and I know the Lord is instructing me to relocate soon. I feel like this is the right move buy my question is: Is He (Jesus) going to make a way for me to relocate because I'm not seeing a paved way?
I brought your request before the Lord dear sister and I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions and Insights and Visions and Wisdom from the Gift of God within me reveals that YES relocation will come but it won't be in the way that you are perceiving now but in a gradual physical move from your present Demographic and Region as Promotion will come first and then the doors will open and be seen as Opportunity will bring Increase and Freedom will bring Relocation says the Lord to you this day my Daughter!
There is an old saying, don't put the cart before the horse. Other words don't think too much ahead of where you want to go in regards to relocation. Stay in the present and don't worry about the Future as the Lord works out all the details for Increase, You will see a NEW door that will present itself that will correspond to then in the Future your present situation as Promotion will lead you into a better Path and Freedom will be Your Joy and Reward in this arena of Your life are my Insights from the Holy Spirit 4 U this day dear sister, okay, Amen!
Hello Steven,
I have an update. As of this past Friday, the Lord has opened up a door for me and I was able to relocate to another state and get room and board for a really good monthly price. I was just letting you know I finally made it to my promise land and and I'm super excited!
What another Great Testimony as the Lord Provided as she stepped out in Faith and applied for this Promotion Job with her current Employer as Jesus Promoted Her in the Job and Opened up a House she could afford in the New State that Her Job Promotion was Located in. What a Great Faith Request Personal Prophecy comes to pass. I want you to be the next Great Testimony of God's Gift within me dear friend. Scroll to the top of this Personal Prophecy Blog Post and request personal prophecy form me as there are now 9 different request personal prophecy options to choose from for every arena of Your life in Christ our Lord. Real Prophecy Real Results come and experience the difference 4 Real!
In His Love and Service