Are you wondering what 2023 is going to hold for your life in Christ? Are you concerned about what the Future holds for you and the ones that you care about as the World's economy seems to be falling apart and wars and rumors of wars are all around and it seems that's all that is reported on the News every single day it seems now. Well, I have GOOD NEWS 4 U my friend. There is a man who carries the true word of the Lord within him to be able to SEE into the Future for your life. Steven Svec has been Prophesying the true word of the Lord for many years now with confirmed validated request personal prophecy word for 10,000's of people from all walks of life and even religions and nations on Planet Earth. You won't find Steven or His Unique Gift of Prophecy on any social media platforms like you see all the self-proclaimed people calling themselves Prophets and Apostles all for the sake of making money and self-promotion. Steven was born with His Gift from God which was Prophesied over His life at a very young age that the Gifts of God would be established within Him for the Glory of God the Father in Christ Jesus by the Power of the Holy Spirit as the Gift of the SEER would bring confirmation of the true word of the Lord in and through Steven's life. You can request personal prophecy word from Steven at his online website of Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Request personal prophecy word when used correctly and with a pure Gift and Heart towards the Creator of all things is such an encouragement to the one that is receiving request personal prophecy word ministry from Steven. Many say that they can Prophesy, and many say that they have a special Gift from God, but they are just lying to you to get your money and they will say that they need your donation so they can keep on preaching the gospel of Christ but they are just keeping that money for a bigger house or a nicer car or to live a lavish lifestyle tax free which is a stench in the nostrils of the Creator! Request personal prophecy word is such a gift to the body of Christ and much needed in today's society with such corruption as the fall of man since the days of Adam and eve as the adamic nature of man has progressed pass the point of no return except through the blood of Christ Jesus and the TRUE WORD OF THE LORD to be released into your life. Request personal prophecy word for 2023 today from Steven as be amazed for your life in Christ Jesus will reveal the Future for your life and even the ones that you love as the Lord will allow through Steven's Gift of Prophecy within him at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (
Read all the confirmed testimonies for request personal prophecy word on Steven's website and be encouraged for your Specific request personal prophecy word to bring real hope and encouragement into your life in Christ Jesus. Read below of a request personal prophecy word testimony of a woman who was having issues with her young son as he was having issues at his school and getting into trouble recently and she says that he never got into trouble before as was always getting good grades and never any trouble and she asked Steven to inquire before the Lord on her behalf as visions were shown to Steven of what was happening to this little boy and calls out names of people that were interfering with this boy's life as revelational knowledge was released and a solution to keep this boy safe and back to getting good grades and no more trouble in his life at school and then read the confirmed words of the mother who was astonished at the accuracy of Steven's Prophecy and request personal prophecy word for her request and then request personal prophecy word for yourself and be amazed at the Gift of God within this modern day Prophet/Seer of Adonai the Creator of all!
"The Spring Semester Prediction Fulfilled" Request personal Prophecy
More Testimonies of The Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! What a precious testimony you are about to read of a mother's love and concern for her little boy who was having issues in School. She requested the Prophecy Option "ask your own 1 question" Her question was concerning her little boy who was having issues at school, getting in to trouble daily and even being sent to the principal's office because of his actions. My friends there is nothing to big or small that the Lord is not concerned about each of our lives and the ones that we love. I inquired before the Lord on this woman's behalf as to why her son was having these problems that he has never had before in school. The Holy Spirit revealed to me in Visions of what was causing these problems and also, I Prophesied as to when they would be coming to an end for her son which was fulfilled as Prophesied through the Gift within me. God the father cares for every aspect of all our lives, even little boys that get involved with the wrong crowd of people. The Prayers of a Mother I have found throughout my Ministry are the strongest when prayed with sincerity before the Fathers throne. These Mothers prayers were answered as I was able to Prophesy the Heart of God as her Prayers were answered as the Word of The Lord was revealed and came to pass. To JESUS be lifted up and Glorified! Please read below and have your Faith Raised for your Miracle breakthrough Prophecy this day. Amen. WORD OF THE LORD - REVELATION KNOWLEDGE - REQUEST PERSONAL PROPHECY I have the Impression from the Spirit that even as there will come a Fall break (School) into your Son's life that the issues that he is facing now will BEGIN to come to a end. I see in the Spirit that these issues, (not all of them) but the main one I see is actually his environment as he is away from your council. I see influences of individuals and I see one in particular that I feel is a bit of a negative influence (possibly friend of his) on his normal what I want to call routine if this makes sense. I don't know his age, but I feel lead to say possibly Elementary School or within the first 5 or so grades of a young person. I have the Impression of a PEACE that will be coming to his Mind and even Thought process of how he looks at School and Learning and even being away from Home. I have the feeling of a very close attachment that he has to you and family environment, and this will bring him much comfort in his later years. I also feel that one day he will even Preach the Gospel if you will except this Prediction as well. But to his present Issues, I feel lead to say that this is something that will be passing, and I feel that even as he starts what I want to say is the SPRING SESSION of schooling that there is going to be a significant improvement in his overall view towards School and even his teachers and those that are in Authority while he is away from you. The Lord has everything under control, and I just want to convey that to you, and I feel that even as 2018 will be approaching that you will start to see a significant improvement and I feel that the summertime of 2018 will be a time of a stronger bonding that you will develop with him as well are my immediate Impressions from the Spirit... PREDICTION COMES TO PASS (The Mothers Testimony concerning her Sons Incredible Turnaround) Hi Steven, my name is L***A, and I reached out to you about my son who was misbehaving at school. I wasn't sure what was going on and the school called me almost every day. Sometimes he had to sit in the principal's office. You said the Lord through his Holy Spirit said that his behavior will improve at school by spring 2018 and even better by the Summer. By December 2017... There was a significant improvement in his behavior. He is now an honor roll student and was nominated citizen of the month at school for best student in his class. I give God the glory!! What a great Testimony my Friends. There is nothing that is insignificant in our lives before the Love of God. He is concerned for every aspect of our life's dear friends and the ones that we love. Amen and Amen.
If you have been encouraged by this Blog Post for request personal prophecy word for 2023, please share it with as many people that you know who could benefit for a request personal prophecy word from steven and be encouraged in Christ Jesus the Lord for the upcoming Year of 2023. Request personal prophecy word today for your Future Tomorrow, Amen!