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Request Personal Prophecy for Money

Request Personal Prophecy for Money, is this a Godly Practice or not?

Blessings and Greetings to all You my Blog Post Followers this day. I have another neat little testimony for you all to read about a man who was in a bit of a pickle and needed a miracle fast and his miracle was a divine transfer of money? Now that sounds a bit different don't it.

He needed money to help his mom who was going to have surgery but didn't have any insurance to cover the cost of the surgery process was his request personal prophecy for money. I honestly thought this was kind of of sketchy, but it's not for me to decide but God, so this man like any other client of mine went to my ministry website of Personal Prophecy 4U and made his request personal prophecy through the request personal prophecy page and asked the question is it okay for him to ask God for a Miracle for his mom who was having this operation and needed a request personal prophecy answer right away.

So, I began to do into a deep meditation and prayer and bring this mans request personal prophecy for money before the Lord for his request personal prophecy for money and the Lord though the Holy Spirit began showing me visions of a race track and I saw horses racing around this race track and I was shown "Tickets" and people buying these tickets and than I was shown this man went to this race track and bought a ticket that was called " Mamas Horse" and then the vision was gone before my spiritual eyes and I asked the Lord what he wanted me to tell this man and the Lord told me to tell him everything that he showed me in the vision and the man would know what he needed to do? Well, the Lord has always been right about everything else he shows me so I just obeyed and relayed this information to this man for his request personal prophecy for money.

I sent him his request personal prophecy and explained the visions I saw and this man was shocked, lol? he wrote me back saying that he constantly bets on horses at a local track racing and that he knew of a horse named "Mamas Horse" and it was running in a race that same day in the evening. So he went to the race and placed a bet on this horse called "Mamas Horse" that was like 100-1 to win place or show. So that means that it's not likely to do well, but he listened to his request personal prophecy from the vision and placed all his money on that horse to win the race and a miracle happened and he won the race and his bet made him over $200,000 dollars to help pay for his moms surgery she needed to save her life.

He emailed me back with the testimony of his request personal prophecy that came to pass that I was even shocked to be honest, but God knows best and this is just another great Testimony of the Gift of God within me to bring such hope into peoples lives for a request personal prophecy for money of all things and it worked and this man is now a loyal client of mine and uses my service's monthly for help making bets on horses as he gives a lot of it to charity as well and all the Glory to God and Jesus, always.

What another great testimony my dear blogger friends. I want you to be the next great testimony of the Gift of God within me for a request personal prophecy for any arena of your life today for a piece of your future tomorrow to be revealed in Christ Jesus the Lord. So scroll up to the top of this blog post and make your own specific request personal prophecy at my ministry website of Personal Prophecy 4U

More Grace and peace to all


Man received miracle request personal prophecy for $200,000
Request Personal Prophecy


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