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Are you ready for 2023 for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord? Do you have questions about request personal prophetic word for your life in 2023? If so, you are reading the right Blog Post in regard to request personal prophetic word for your destiny on this earth dear friend. There are many say that they can give you a request personal prophetic word 4 your life for the next 12 months of your life but they will be giving your just a generic word with NO specifics and tell you that the Holy Spirit is speaking through them and give you a false request personal prophetic word 4 2023 and then ask you to donate to their fake ministry usually on a social media network like Facebook or twitter or YouTube. Steven Svec is a TRUE gift from God with the Gift of prophecy since his birth that has Prophesied 10,000's request personal prophetic word into people's lives like just you with testimonials following his SPECIFIC predictions for over 8 years now on this online platform and you can get your request personal prophetic word from his ministry website here at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (

I want to encourage you to visit Steven's Ministry website and read all the confirmed testimonies of people from every nation and every religion as Steven will share his Gift of request personal prophetic word to anyone who would desire to hear and receive the TRUE WORD OF THE LORD regardless of beliefs or religions as He shares what the Holy Spirit will reveal for your life and share the love and compassion of Christ Jesus the son of the living God and Savior of the Human soul. Request Personal Prophetic word is so needed in today's church with so much focus in the world today about the supernatural and the counterfeit of God real request personal prophetic word, that is why Steven's gift is so unique and genuine because it doesn't matter what walk of life you are or what religion you are or even if you are a skeptic as the one true God Jehovah will reveal secrets to Steven about your life and what God desires to do for your life in 2023 dear friend. You can see for yourself at Steven's website for request personal prophetic word at Request Prophetic Word | Personal Prophecy 4U (

Here is just a sample of a testimony you can read of how detailed a request personal prophetic word from Steven will sound like with specifics and detailed information he receives from God's gift of request personal prophetic word within him and be encouraged for our specific breakthrough for a prophetic word 4 2023 in Christ Jesus the Lord, read below and be encouraged this day dear friends.

"Miracle Baby Request Personal Prophetic Word Prediction Fulfilled"

More Testimonies of the Word of The Lord Revealing the SECRETS of Men and Woman! You are about to read another Great Testimony of the Gift of God within me as I Prophesied back in January of 2019 to a woman who requested the "ask your own 1 question Prophecy" as she wanted to know if it was God's will for her to conceive and bring to Term for a child to be born to her and her husband because she had 2 previous miscarriages and Doctors had only given her bad news for her to even get pregnant again let alone bring the pregnancy to term for a child to be born to her and start a family that her and her husband wanted so badly. I inquired on her behalf before the Lord and Prophesied that she would get pregnant again and bring the child to term and I even call out that it would be a Boy and also gave her Holy Ghost Instructions of what to begin doing to bring her Prophecy to pass as instructed by the Lord. Please read below her Prophecy and have your Faith increased for Your Miracle Breakthrough Prophecy through the Gift of God within my friends. To JESUS do I give all the Praise and Honor whenever a Prophecy comes to pass as Spoken through this Ministry of the Lord. Amen and Amen! HER REQUEST: I have 2 times miscarriage. We have put a lot of efforts, praying, fasting, seeing doctors. I just want to know What God says about this situation, is there any hope to conceive and have a child? PROPHECY RELEASED JANUARY 29TH 2019 read below. As I brought your request before the Lord dear sister, I am inspired to speak and say as my Impressions from the Holy Spirit of God reveal that it is God's will that you would conceive a 3rd child that will come to term says the Lord. You have 2 children already dear sister from your miscarriage's, and they are in Heaven and growing and learning. I am not allowed to give you any more information concerning them now, but I Prophesy to you that you will see them both one day as you will cross the veil into eternity yourself one day and they will greet you with open arms and even call you Mother says the Lord. NOW, with that said and revealed by the Holy Spirit 4 U, my Impressions speak of a 3rd child that will be conceived and will come to term as the Favor of the Lord will be with you and a Son will come before your family one day says the Lord. This is what I want you to begin doing every day in your quiet time with the Lord. Job 22:28 says this "Thou shalt also DECREE a thing and it shall be established unto you, and the light will follow you all thy days" Decreeing is not praying, again I will say that DECREEING is not praying, there is a big difference. Most Christians don't realize the power that is within them to speak into existence and create their own future as their body's line up with what the Word of God says about them and who they are in Christ Jesus. I want you to begin to DECREE every day and speak with authority into your atmosphere and release your faith to believe for a child. Do this as long as it takes for you to again conceive and then rest in your Faith that God will bring that baby to term and be born into your Earthly family. It doesn't matter what doctors say or any kind of physical limitations you might have or even your husband. God moves on FAITH. God moves on FAITH. This is the most powerful way to move the hand of God in your life and for any situation dear sister. This is like a Holy Ghost Prescription that the Lord moves upon me to release the anointed word of God into people's lives like yourself. I have had great success with people of all walks of life and physical conditions to financial situations that the Lord brings a Miracle to their situation when they begin to DECREE into existence their destiny according to God's Holy Word over their life and MIRACLES HAPPEN! Begin doing this dear sister and I will believe with you as well that by the end of this year of 2019 you will be with child, and I believe by my Insights revealed that it will be a Boy and bring great Joy and even Laughter to your Household says the Lord to you this day my daughter. Amen and Amen! HER RESPONSE AND CONFIRMATION OF CONCEPTION AND BIRTH OF A BABY BOY AS PROPHESIED

Hi Steven, I want to share some news with you. First of all, I want to thank our Lord Jesus that He connect me with you. Last year, I asked you about having a child. Frankly speaking, I didn’t have any expectation about the prophecy that you told me, including to decree the word of God. Still, I did what you told me to decree every day. Unexpectedly, in May 2019, I got pregnant for the third time. I didn’t have any high expectation considering my previous miscarriages. I don’t believe that this pregnancy will go smoothly. In January 2020, I have given birth a healthy baby boy. I really thank God that He uses you to pass His word. I pray that God bless you abundantly. Thank you

If you have been blessed by this blog post, I want to encourage you for your request personal prophetic word from Steven and let your friends and family also know about his ministry of specific request personal prophetic word 4 2023 and be encouraged to step forward in faith and trust God the Father to speak a word in season for your life through Steven's Gift of request personal prophetic word today in Christ Jesus the Lord, blessings to all.

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