December 23rd early morning I received Impressions of the True Word of the Lord that is Set in Stone will happen and come to pass, be in PRAYER!
For the Spirit of The Lord says to watch The Eagle and the Bear and the Dragon as already Prophesied and Documented by My Servant on 11/19/2024 1 day after the Mysterious Drones were noticed off the East Coast of the Nation of America as my Servant said and Prophesied:
For the Spirit of the Lord would say as the Eagle will soar through the Sky while it Hunts for its Prey, the eyes of the Eagle can see from afar, across the Borders and into the Stars.
The Bear is Big and hard to miss and tries to hide in the Mist, as the smoke that bellows and looks like a cloud, as the shape of a mushroom goes up and around.
The Dragon will Fly to the growl of the Bear and merge together and cause a great snare. The Seasons will come as the Winter Solstice will appear as the plans of the Bear and the Dragon draw near.
But the Eagle who sees from afar even into the Stratosphere of the Stars, will listen to the plans of the Bear and the Dragon and Stop the snare within the Wagon. As the wheels of Time will continue as planned, from the Creator when Time first began.
Matthew 24:6 "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet"
The Eagle America (Drones) is America searching for what is Lost/Stolen before it is to late as the Dragon and the Bear (China and Russia collaborate even with Iran as a Terror Strike they have come Together for a Surprise attack.. PRAY that lives will be saved as the East Coast mainly and possibly the West Coast of the Nation of America will Burn and Learn says the Lord this day.
MY IMPRESSION 12/23/2024 at 2:12am in the early morning what I saw was 3 Torpedoes/Missiles that came from a Submarine or Submarines and UNDER the Oceans and the waters of the Earth that struck land of the Great Nation of America. PRAY that the Eagle/America (Drones) find the Target that was Stolen/Lost they are searching for to lesson the damage that could be done, BUT this will come to pass as a sneak attack will disrupt what I feel will be a Holiday season, possibly this Holiday season and or New Year as I was not shown exactly when or what Year this will take place. My Insights from what I was allowed to SEE in the form of IMPRESSIONS in a dream state what is to come and Set in Stone the True Word of The Lord.
Servant of the Lord
Steven Robert Svec
Documented 12/23/2024